Papaya Seeds for Your Good Health
November 20, 2015

Most of the time when we eat Papaya,
we trash the Seeds. But little do we know how beneficial they are and how they
can prevent and cure a plethora of ailments related to the liver, gut, worms
and even diseases like Dengue. The following is a list that illustrates the
benefits of eating Papaya Seeds.
Liver Health
The vital nutrients papaya
seeds contain are highly efficient in treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. You
simply need to grind or crush 5-6 papaya seeds and have them with food or
juice. Lime juice is especially recommended. Do this for a month. In addition,
eating small quantities of papaya seeds regularly stimulates liver cleansing
and protects against liver diseases.
Kidney Health
Kidney health and renal failure
can be prevented with the use of papaya seeds according to research from the
University of Karachi. This also applies to diseases related to kidney
Papaya seeds are potent
anti-inflammatory agents, which makes them highly efficient in relieving arthritis,
joint pain, swelling and redness.
Anti-bacterial and
Anti-Viral properties
Even small quantities of papaya
seeds have proved efficient in battling dangerous bacteria such as E. coli,
Staph, and Salmonella. Plus, they are successful in fighting viral infections
and healing dengue, typhoid, and a number of other diseases. For example, papaya
seeds with milk are an excellent remedy for typhoid fever in Nigeria. These
seeds are also commonly used in Costa Rica to fight against dengue fever. The
same infection can be treated with juice from papaya leaves.
Making Papaya Juice
Get 2 papaya leaves.
Wash and cut them into smaller
Using a filter cloth, pound and
squeeze the pulp.
Bear in mind that only 2
tablespoons of juice can be squeezed out.
Take two tablespoons per
serving once a day.
Arresting Cancer
Papaya seeds contain isothiocyanate,
an agent that prevents the spread of cancer cells and tumors. It is especially
beneficial for colon, breast, lung, prostate cancer and leukemia.
Destroys Parasites
In addition, these seeds
contain an alkaloid called “carpaine,” highly beneficial against intestinal
worms and amoeba parasites. Papaya stimulates protein metabolism in the body
creating an extremely unfriendly environment in the digestive tract for
parasites to thrive. According to studies, 75% of children in Nigeria eliminate
gut parasites by simply consuming papaya seed juice for 7 days.
Natural Contraceptive
Unlike the over-the-counter
contraceptives that can pose great health risks if taken for a long time,
papaya seeds are completely safe and effective natural contraceptives for both
men and women. It’s known that both men and women on the Indian subcontinent
and in parts of Southeast Asia have traditionally used papaya and its seeds as
a form of birth control for centuries now.
Aids Digestion
There’s high content of the
enzyme papain in both unripe papaya and papaya seeds. This enzyme is extremely
beneficial for protein digestion; however it is best avoided by women trying to
Taking one teaspoon of papaya
seeds every day for 3 months can significantly lower sperm count in men,
leaving their libido intact. Still, this effect is only short-term; as soon as
papaya seeds are no longer consumed, fertility comes back to normal.
How to Eat Papaya
There are several ways to
consume papaya seeds raw, though this gives a strong bitter peppery taste,
ground or crushed in salad dressings, milk or honey.
The health benefits of papaya
seeds are numerous and the list above is not all-inclusive. There is however
several things to be cautious about as excessive consumption may cause unwanted
side effects, especially in pregnancy related issues.
Thus, pregnant or breastfeeding
women should avoid papaya seeds or the enzyme-rich green papaya. On the other
hand, papaya seeds have powerful anti-parasitic effects, but they may be too
strong for infant digestive tract. Take caution to consult a doctor before
giving these to children.