Foods To Eat During Pregnancy To Get A Fair Baby
June 13, 2017
When you are pregnant, the cravings for food go over hand. There are times when women go to an extent of eating white foods at the time of their pregnancy, so that they deliver a fair baby.
Although, majority of our Indian folk are educated, the crave for having a fair baby is very important.
If you strongly believe in myths like these, eating these foods to get a fair baby can be added to your diet. However, there is no guarantee that these foods will improve the color of your baby growing inside of you.
There is also a belief that the more white foods you consume at the time of pregnancy, the fairer your baby will be when born.
These kind of foods to eat during pregnant to get a fair baby is widely followed by a lot of Indian women. If you believe in these myths, then these are some of the foods to eat during pregnancy to get a fair baby.
Grape Juice
Loading with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), grapes are very much contributing factor to fair and healthy skin. SO, pregnant women having desire of fair and beautiful baby should
Drink 60 gm of fresh grape juice
twice a day.
It will make your child healthy and strong and prevent various problems such as giddiness, dental pain, cramps, swelling, acidity and constipation among to be mothers.
Saffron Milk
There are a lot of pregnant women who consume saffron m,ilk at their time of pregnancy. It is believed the saffron helps to make the baby fair. It improves the complexion of the child growing in the womb.
If you want to have a fair baby, make it a habit to eat lots of kernel when pregnant. According to Indian beliefs, the white kernel of the coconut will help you deliver a fair child.
Milk is necessary for a pregnant woman to consume at the time of pregnancy. Milk on the other hand is good for the development of the fetus.
It is believed that the egg white should be consumed by pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy if you want to have a fair child.
A pregnant woman should consume dried or soaked almonds at the time of her pregnancy, if she wants to deliver a fair child. indian beliefs state, Almond milk helps to improve the complexion, therefore it should be eaten when pregnant.
Research says that when a pregnant woman adds ghee to her meal, she will have a less painful delivery. On the other, ghee also helps to improve the color of the skin for the fetus according to an Indian myth. So, opt for ghee other than oil.
One of the citrus fruits to consume when you are pregnant is oranges. It is rich in Vitamin C which is needed for the growth of your baby and also to improve the skin tone.
A popular Indian belief, pineapples which is rich in Vitamin C, have said to improve the color tone. If you want to have a fair baby, drink a glass of fresh pineapple juice once in a week.
Fennel Seeds
Drinking the water of the soaked fennel seeds will improve the color of the skin. Pregnant women should drink 3 ml of the water first thing in the morning. It will also help reduce the nausea feeling.

When you are pregnant, the cravings for food go over hand. There are times when women go to an extent of eating white foods at the time of their pregnancy, so that they deliver a fair baby.
Although, majority of our Indian folk are educated, the crave for having a fair baby is very important.
If you strongly believe in myths like these, eating these foods to get a fair baby can be added to your diet. However, there is no guarantee that these foods will improve the color of your baby growing inside of you.
There is also a belief that the more white foods you consume at the time of pregnancy, the fairer your baby will be when born.
These kind of foods to eat during pregnant to get a fair baby is widely followed by a lot of Indian women. If you believe in these myths, then these are some of the foods to eat during pregnancy to get a fair baby.
Grape Juice
Loading with alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), grapes are very much contributing factor to fair and healthy skin. SO, pregnant women having desire of fair and beautiful baby should
Drink 60 gm of fresh grape juice
twice a day.
It will make your child healthy and strong and prevent various problems such as giddiness, dental pain, cramps, swelling, acidity and constipation among to be mothers.
Saffron Milk
There are a lot of pregnant women who consume saffron m,ilk at their time of pregnancy. It is believed the saffron helps to make the baby fair. It improves the complexion of the child growing in the womb.
If you want to have a fair baby, make it a habit to eat lots of kernel when pregnant. According to Indian beliefs, the white kernel of the coconut will help you deliver a fair child.
Milk is necessary for a pregnant woman to consume at the time of pregnancy. Milk on the other hand is good for the development of the fetus.
It is believed that the egg white should be consumed by pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy if you want to have a fair child.
A pregnant woman should consume dried or soaked almonds at the time of her pregnancy, if she wants to deliver a fair child. indian beliefs state, Almond milk helps to improve the complexion, therefore it should be eaten when pregnant.
Research says that when a pregnant woman adds ghee to her meal, she will have a less painful delivery. On the other, ghee also helps to improve the color of the skin for the fetus according to an Indian myth. So, opt for ghee other than oil.
One of the citrus fruits to consume when you are pregnant is oranges. It is rich in Vitamin C which is needed for the growth of your baby and also to improve the skin tone.
A popular Indian belief, pineapples which is rich in Vitamin C, have said to improve the color tone. If you want to have a fair baby, drink a glass of fresh pineapple juice once in a week.
Fennel Seeds
Drinking the water of the soaked fennel seeds will improve the color of the skin. Pregnant women should drink 3 ml of the water first thing in the morning. It will also help reduce the nausea feeling.