Why You Need To Eat Frozen Blueberries?

November 28, 2015
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One of the healthiest foods which contain fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients are blueberries. Not too many people know that when they are frozen, they become healthier. You can benefit a lot from introducing blueberries in your diet, for they are one of the best fruits you can consume. These amazing fruits are extremely high in antioxidants, nutrients and fiber. However, probably only a few of you knew that by freezing them you can make them even healthier.

When they are frozen the amount of anthocyanins are doubled. Those are elements with anti-inflammatory properties and also have anticancer properties.The plain truth is that blueberries possess so many health benefits that it is simply impossible to list them all. 

And the secret behind their even doubled value when frozen is that freezing increases the concentration of anthocyanins in them.Anthocyanins are natural anti-inflammatory chemicals that are believed to have anticancer properties. The amount of anthocyanins grows once you freeze berries.

Some of the Benefits Of Blueberries

Advantages in the digestive tract

Blueberries are not only an excellent source of fiber because of which the digestive system works regularly, but they also have abundance if antioxidants which protect the digestive tract from damage.

It is a fact that our overall health depends on good digestion. Due to frozen blueberries’ benefits for digestion, you will have a lower risk of developing colon cancer.

Improved motor functions

We all know that the more we invest in our health now, the more it will pay off later. It is highly advisable to start eating frozen blueberries as soon as possible in order to protect your body and brain during aging.

Moreover, over the years, older people have a greater risk of loss of motor functions, so it is extremely useful to consume frozen blueberries. Thus, one has the opportunity to improve motor functions and reduce the risk of cognitive problems.

Healthy heart

One of the best properties of frozen blueberries is their ability to keep the heart healthy. By consuming frozen blueberries you will reduce the risk of heart diseases, strengthen the arteries, and as a result of that, blood pressure will maintain healthy and stable.

Reducing the risk of dementia

The risks of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia which come with aging can be minimized by consuming frozen blueberries. It comes as a result of the anthocyanins found in frozen blueberries.

These miraculous ingredients improve the function of memory, which makes it easier to remember memories. In addition, they support neuronal connections in the brain. The more neural connections you have when you grow old, the more you will be protected from cognitive problems.

They protect the nervous system

The regular consumption of these amazingly healthy berries leads to protection of the nervous system from damage. Frozen blueberries provide health and strength to the nervous system.

Source: www.healthfoodstar.com

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