How to Remove Stretch Marks in A Natural Way by using foods?
December 04, 2015

Stretch marks are visible lines
on the skin surface, with an off-color hue. Stretch marks are mainly found in
the abdominal wall, but can also occur over the thighs, upper arms, buttocks
and breasts.
The pale scars that appear on
the skin surface due to fast increased or decreased body weight, during
pregnancy, or hormonal changes is a condition each person want to get rid of.
There is a fantastic natural recipe that will help you achieve the aim through
using this mixture on regular basis and the marks will be gone in a month.
3oz/100 ml palm oil, or any
other vegetable oil;
8oz/250 grams sugar;
8oz/250 grams salt.
How to prepare it
Mix all the ingredients
together and apply on the affected area rubbing gently. After the treatment,
apply some lotion of a moisturizing cream.
Other remedies for
Egg Whites
Eggs are a rich source of
protein. For stretch marks, you want to use only the egg whites, which
contain amino acids and proteins.
Whip the whites of two eggs
gently with a fork. Clean the affected skin area with water and then apply a
thick layer of egg whites with a makeup brush.
Allow the egg whites to dry
completely and then rinse the area with cold water.
Finally apply some olive oil on
the skin to keep it moisturized.
Repeat the process daily for at
least two weeks and watch for positive results.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is effective in the
treatment of many skin problems. Its healing and soothing properties can be
used to get rid of stretch marks. There are a couple of ways to apply it.
You can directly rub aloe vera
gel on the affected skin area, leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse the
skin with lukewarm water.
Another option is to make a
mixture with one-fourth cup of aloe Vera gel, oil from 10 vitamin E capsules and oil from five vitamin A capsules. Rub this mixture onto the skin
until fully absorbed. Repeat this process daily.
Lemon Juice
Another simple way to lessen
stretch marks is to use lemon juice. Lemon juice is naturally acidic which
helps heal and reduce stretch marks, acne, and other scars.
Rub fresh lemon juice gently
onto the stretch marks using circular motions. Allow the lemon juice to soak
into your skin for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
Another option is to mix equal
quantities of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply the mixture on the
stretch marks.
Olive Oil
Olive oil contains a lot of
nutrients and antioxidants that help improve various skin problems including
stretch marks.
Massage slightly warm
extra-virgin olive oil into the affected skin area. This will improve the blood
circulation and reduce the stretch marks to a great extent.
Leave it for half an hour so
that the vitamins A, D and E present in the oil are absorbed by the skin.
You can also mix olive oil with
vinegar and water and use it as a night cream. This will keep your skin stay
moisturized and also exfoliate the skin.
Potato Juice
Potato juice contains vitamins
and minerals that foster growth and restoration of skin cells.
Cut a medium-sized potato into
thick slices.
Take one of the potato pieces
and rub it gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes. Make sure the starch
from the potato covers the affected area.
Allow the potato juice to dry
for some time and then wash it off with lukewarm water.