Effective Foods for an Active Healthy Brain
January 12, 2016
If you’re a fan of chocolate, you’ll want to opt for dark because it has several advantages over milk chocolate. One of those advantages is that it’s shown to improve the amount of blood that flows to your brain.
If you’re not in the habit of having almonds handy as a snack, you may want to establish it. These crunchy snacks can help get you to the next meal, and help you avoid eating unhealthy foods in a moment of intense hunger.
How can lean meats help your brain? They Not just any lean meats are recommended if you’re interested in improving your brain function. Tryptophan in many of the most popularly consumed meets will help you calm down during the day and sleep better at night.
Peanut butter has healthy fats in the form of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated that your brain and body both need. For years these types of fats were lumped together with saturated fat and labeled bad as part of the low-fat and no-fat dieting strategies.
The potassium in a banana helps the brain, and low potassium levels can inhibit your ability to think clearly and focus. They also contain fiber to help you meet your daily fiber needs, and tryptophan to keep you in a good mood. It is often thought that tryptophan induces sleep, but what it really does is gets your serotonin levels going, which can make you feel calmer and help you sleep. Bananas also contain vitamins that are important for brain function.
Even though there are a large number of diets advocating getting rid of grains, including gluten-free and Paleo diets, research has shown that whole grains can provide your brain with what it needs to stay alert and on the ball.
The antioxidants in green tea is what gives it so much notoriety, and in addition to helping you lose weight and fight off cancer and heart disease, green tea is a boon to the brain. Unlike many of the other items on this list, green tea has been shown to potentially help your brain produce new brain cells, something that for years neurologists thought was impossible.
Perhaps you’ve only eaten pumpkin seeds a few times after carving a pumpkin for Halloween. But they’re getting more and more press for their healthy contents, and they make a strong case for being labeled a superfood. Their magnesium content helps the heart, which in turn helps the brain, and it also helps the body relax. Feeling relaxed puts the brain in a state where it can think better and more clearly.
You may have been aware that carrots are good for your eyes, two very important organs, but they’re also good for your brain. It’s often taken as a given that your memory will get worse as you age, but carrots contain luteolin which helps prevent that from happening. The good news is that you can get this benefit both from eating carrots, or from drinking carrot juice.
Eggplant has been specifically noted as being good for the brain because it has certain antioxidants that help protect brain cell membranes. The idea that you’re born with all of the brain cells you’re going to have in your life is gradually being debunked, but it’s still important to protect them from damage.

Garlic is especially helpful for the brain because it has multiple factors that
all contribute to proper brain function. It helps thin the blood, which
increase the flow throughout the body, including to the brain.
It also helps
battle free radical damage to the brain, which has been associated with
degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s. Lastly, garlic has been shown to be
effective in preventing and battling back tumors in the brain. Taking garlic
supplements may be an easier way to get the requisite amount of garlic per day.
Dark Chocolate
If you’re a fan of chocolate, you’ll want to opt for dark because it has several advantages over milk chocolate. One of those advantages is that it’s shown to improve the amount of blood that flows to your brain.
It’s been shown
to lessen the chances of getting a stroke, which is one of the most
debilitating things that can happen to your brain. They also contain
antioxidants, which are absent from milk chocolate, and these antioxidants can
slow the aging process, including the aging of the brain.
If you’re not in the habit of having almonds handy as a snack, you may want to establish it. These crunchy snacks can help get you to the next meal, and help you avoid eating unhealthy foods in a moment of intense hunger.
They contain a
good dose of Vitamin E, which over time can help you maintain your cognitive
abilities. These abilities include learning, problem solving, remembering, and
paying attention. It’s hard to make the connection between what you eat and how
you think, but there definitely is one.
Lean Meats
How can lean meats help your brain? They Not just any lean meats are recommended if you’re interested in improving your brain function. Tryptophan in many of the most popularly consumed meets will help you calm down during the day and sleep better at night.
Most meats are also good sources of B Vitamins 6
and 12 which directly help the brain’s neurotransmitters and metabolism
respectively Go with grass-fed organic meat to reduce the amount of antibiotics
and growth hormones that are given to conventional livestock.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter has healthy fats in the form of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated that your brain and body both need. For years these types of fats were lumped together with saturated fat and labeled bad as part of the low-fat and no-fat dieting strategies.
But the more that is discovered about
these fats the more it’s seen how essential they are to overall health. You’ll
have to get the kind of peanut butter that is made from only peanuts,
preferably organic, as you don’t want any of the additional oils that are added
to many conventional peanut butter brands.
The potassium in a banana helps the brain, and low potassium levels can inhibit your ability to think clearly and focus. They also contain fiber to help you meet your daily fiber needs, and tryptophan to keep you in a good mood. It is often thought that tryptophan induces sleep, but what it really does is gets your serotonin levels going, which can make you feel calmer and help you sleep. Bananas also contain vitamins that are important for brain function.
Whole Grains
Even though there are a large number of diets advocating getting rid of grains, including gluten-free and Paleo diets, research has shown that whole grains can provide your brain with what it needs to stay alert and on the ball.
The reason
is that these foods often provide you with improved heart health, which
improves your circulation, and also improves your brain. It’s all connected, so
it’s important to keep everything flowing well throughout the entire body.
Green Tea
The antioxidants in green tea is what gives it so much notoriety, and in addition to helping you lose weight and fight off cancer and heart disease, green tea is a boon to the brain. Unlike many of the other items on this list, green tea has been shown to potentially help your brain produce new brain cells, something that for years neurologists thought was impossible.
In order
to get the best results possible you have to be willing to drink up to two cups
per day, and it’s uncertain if the damaging effects of the caffeine in green
tea outweigh the benefits.
Pumpkin Seeds
Perhaps you’ve only eaten pumpkin seeds a few times after carving a pumpkin for Halloween. But they’re getting more and more press for their healthy contents, and they make a strong case for being labeled a superfood. Their magnesium content helps the heart, which in turn helps the brain, and it also helps the body relax. Feeling relaxed puts the brain in a state where it can think better and more clearly.
You may have been aware that carrots are good for your eyes, two very important organs, but they’re also good for your brain. It’s often taken as a given that your memory will get worse as you age, but carrots contain luteolin which helps prevent that from happening. The good news is that you can get this benefit both from eating carrots, or from drinking carrot juice.
Eggplant has been specifically noted as being good for the brain because it has certain antioxidants that help protect brain cell membranes. The idea that you’re born with all of the brain cells you’re going to have in your life is gradually being debunked, but it’s still important to protect them from damage.
Eggplant is a very versatile vegetable and is easily incorporated into your
diet as a side dish or as part of a main dish.