Try this for Heal Your Varicose Veins with a Mix of Aloe Vera, Carrot and Apple Cider Vinegar
January 18, 2016

Varicose veins can appear in every person,
and its occurrence is caused by numerous factors. Nevertheless, in all cases,
it leads to pain and unpleasant appearance of the legs. First of all, let us examine the most common reasons for varicose
- Physical inactivity, no exercise
- Sudden hormonal changes
- Aging
- Movement restrictions
- Genetics
Fortunately, the symptoms and causes of this
condition can be treated with the use of various natural recipes which have
proved to be extremely effective.We will suggest the most successful natural
treatment of varicose veins, which is a combination of apple cider vinegar,
carrots and aloe Vera.
Its preparation is very simple, and its
ingredients can be bought in any supermarket or health store, but you may
already have them in your kitchen.
Carrot, aloe vera and apple cider
vinegar mix for varicose veins – RECIPE
- ½ cup of aloe Vera
- Apple cider vinegar
- ½ cup of chopped carrots
Method of preparation:
In a blender, mix the chopped carrots and the
aloe Vera in a blender, and during the process of blending, pour some apple
cider vinegar. Blend until the mixture is smooth, homogenous and creamy.
Apply the miraculous creamy mixture on your
legs, and put your feet up for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse it off with cold
water. Repeat the treatment several times daily in order to obtain quick results.
Furthermore, in order to help your blood circulation, you should regularly
make short walks.