Colostrum,What is this miracle food?
June 20, 2016

What is Colostrum?
What is this miracle food? Colostrum is the
first substance created in the mammary glands of all mammals after giving
birth. The newborn ingests this important, milk-like food in the first hours of
its life before true milk begins to be produced and ingested.
For many mammals, including humans,
biological compounds that are necessary for the health of a newborn are able to
pass through the placenta while the baby is still in the womb. In some animals,
like cows for example, the placenta does not allow these substances to pass
through to the fetus. For these animals, getting the colostrum soon after birth
is crucial. It provides all of the compounds needed to survive and thrive.
What is in Colostrum?
Colostrum is similar to milk, but it contains
many important biological factors that are either not found in milk or are
found in much lesser quantities. As compared to milk it is higher in protein
and fat, and lower in lactose. The changing composition of the mother’s
colostrum and milk reflects the changing needs of the baby as it ages from
newborn to a few hours old to a few days old. These are some of the unique
components and properties of colostrum:
- Milk fat. The milk fat in colostrum is high and carries with it vitamins A, D, E, and K in much higher quantities than found in milk.
- Immune factors. Colostrum is rich in hormones and
proteins that help a newborn fight off infections. These include hormones
that stimulate the immune system, cytokines that direct white blood cells,
antibodies which go to work in the gastrointestinal tract to kill bacteria
and viruses, and several other factors that fight infection.
- Growth factors. The growth factors in colostrum are
proteins and hormones, such as growth hormone, which stimulates the growth
of new cells. Insulin-like growth factors are also prevalent in colostrum.
These help skin cells grow and develop, regenerate tissues throughout the
body, promote blood clotting, and direct the storage of glucose, or blood
sugar, as glycogen.
- Metabolic factors. Colostrum also contains proteins and
hormones that direct metabolism. Leptin, for instance, increases the rate
of metabolism and suppresses appetite. Insulin in colostrum helps to
regulate blood glucose levels. There are also metabolic factors that
transport vitamins and minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and compounds that
protect other metabolic factors from being digested and broken down.
- Lactose. Although colostrum has lactose, which
some people cannot digest properly, it contains less than milk does.
What are the Health Benefits of
Consuming Colostrum?
High-quality colostrum collected from cows is
a powerful superfood. The presence of so many nutrients in colostrum means that
it really can help improve your health in a variety of ways. More and more
research leads me to believe colostrum is a must for anyone dealing with a
digestive disorder that involves healing the gut. As a bonus, there are no
risks or side effects of using it and it tastes great!
- Leaky gut. Leaky gut is a syndrome characterized
by inflammation in the small intestine as well gaps in the mucosal lining.
These gaps allow dangerous compounds to get into the bloodstream and cause
illness. The immune factors in colostrum can help protect anyone with
leaky gut syndrome by attacking viruses, bacteria, and fungi in the
- Crohn’s disease and colitis. The
antibodies found in colostrum can also help people suffering with either
of these inflammatory bowel disorders. The antibodies protect against
certain bacteria strains that have been implicated in causing symptoms of
the diseases.
- Respiratory infections. The immune factors in
colostrum can help prevent you from getting a cold or the flu. As we age
our immune systems become less responsive to invading viruses, but the
antibodies in colostrum, along with a healthy lifestyle can restore enough
function to fight off these infections before they take hold. Research has
even proven that using colostrum can be more effective at preventing the
flu than a vaccination.
- Cardiovascular health. Colostrum can help promote good
cardiovascular health in a few ways. It contains no cholesterol and it
contains a hormone called leptin. Leptin suppresses appetite and directs
the body to use fat for energy. The growth hormones and insulin-like
growth factors in colostrum are useful in repairing damage done to heart
tissue. Studies have also shown that colostrum helps improve the symptoms
of patients with congestive heart failure.
- Diabetes. Diabetics naturally have less
insulin-like growth factor in their bloodstream. Supplementing this
hormone by consuming colostrum can help diabetics use glucose more
effectively. Colostrum seems to help improve symptoms of both type I and
type II diabetes.
- Autoimmune disorders. Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis
or lupus, in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues, are called
autoimmune disorders. The biological compounds in colostrum may be able to
help people with these disorders by restoring the function of the thymus,
a gland that is important in regulating how the immune system works.
- Food poisoning. Colostrum is not a treatment for
being poisoned by food tainted by harmful bacteria, but it can prevent
such infections from happening in the first place. The E. Coli,
Salmonella, and other bacteria often found in raw meats, and even in
fresh produce, can make you very sick and can even cause fatal infections
in some cases. Taking supplemental colostrum, however, has been shown to
help protect against such infections, thanks to the antibodies present in
it. The best defense is colostrum combined with good food hygiene
- Athletic performance. Athletes can benefit from using
colostrum during training. Taking colostrum has been seen to improve
several performance measures for athletes, including overall energy recovery
after training, muscle recovery, and stamina.
- AIDS. Patients with AIDS have severely
hampered immune systems and struggle to fight off infections of any kind.
Studies have shown that supplementation with colostrum helps to prevent
opportunistic infections, such as a cold or the flu, in AIDS patients.
Colostrum has also helped relieve diarrhea and muscle wasting in people
with AIDS.
Is Colostrum Safe?
Colostrum can be viewed as a dietary
supplement, but it is really a food. There are no side effects, and the only
potential, though small, risk is for people who are lactose intolerant. Even if
you do have lactose intolerance, you may be able to take colostrum, as the
quantities of lactose are low, considerably lower than in milk. Try some in a
small amount if you are lactose intolerant to see if you can digest it without
Where Does Colostrum Come From?
Dietary colostrum comes from cows and is
sometimes called bovine colostrum. True, high-quality colostrum comes from the
milking done within the first six to eight hours after a calf is born. What
comes after that is milk. Not all producers of colostrum adhere to that strict
rule, so there are products labeled as colostrum that may really be milk.
Unless you have your own cows you probably
won’t be able to get fresh, raw colostrum straight from the source. That
doesn’t mean you can’t get good quality colostrum. The most common form in
which you will find colostrum is powdered or in capsules. Look for product that
comes from pasture-fed cows free of pesticides and hormones. Also look for
complete colostrum. Some products are marketed as having fat removed for better
shelf life. To get the most benefit you want colostrum that has been minimally
processed with all those healthy fats intact.
There is one aspect of this processed
colostrum that makes it better for you than a fresh raw sample. The latter
would come from just one cow, while processed product is a mixture of colostrum
from many cows. This gives you a better assortment of all the biological factors
from the various individuals. And if you’re worried about the calves, don’t be.
They always get the first few hours of colostrum from their mothers.
Using Colostrum in Smoothies and
Powdered colostrum is a great ingredient for
pretty much any smoothie recipe. It’s particularly awesome in elixirs and lends
a rich creaminess that’s to die for. As with any new food or supplement you’re
introducing into your diet start small, a teaspoon, and work your way up to as
much as two heaping tablespoons.
Colostrum will add a creamy taste that works
with almost any smoothie flavors. Get creative and try this superfood in all
your smoothie and elixir recipes.At the time of publishing this article I
don’t have any smoothie or elixir recipes that call for colostrum. Don’t let
that prevent you from trying this truly super food. As I mentioned above, you
can add it to any smoothie and experience its myriad health benefits.
What’s your experience with colostrum? Do you
consume it regularly like me, and if so, what health benefits have you noticed?
Let me know in the comments below. Thank you!