
Health Benefits of Peach

June 14, 2016
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  • Peaches help make the skin healthy and also add color to the complexion.
  • It has been seen that consumption of peaches helps in the removal of worms from the intestinal tract.
  • Being rich in Vitamin A, peaches might help prevent cancer in organs and glands with epithelial tissue.
  • Peaches comprise of more than 80 percent water and are a good source of dietary fiber, making them good for those trying to lose weight.
  • Consumption of peaches, on a regular basis, can keep your bowel movements regular and even prevent straining.
  • Researchers have suggested that peaches have good to excellent antioxidant activity, some antimicrobial activity and good to excellent tumor growth inhibition activity.
  • Peaches have a small laxative effect and a powerful diuretic effect and thus, are recommended to people suffering from rheumatism and gout.
  • Peach flowers have sedative proprieties and are good for children who are restless, especially when boiled in water with sugar and honey. 
Peaches have been found to be beneficial for individuals suffering from the following ailments

  • Acidosis
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Bladder and Kidney Stones
  • Bronchitis
  • Constipation
  • Dry Cough
  • Gastritis
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Nephritis
Peaches are the perfect snack food for losing weight. A peach makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating. The bonus: one peach only contains about 35-50 calories and no fat.
Keep the skin healthy. Vitamin A and C make peaches a great natural moisturizer; they’re often used in cosmetics. These vitamins can help regenerate skin tissue.
Reduce hair loss with its positive effect on the scalp.
Helps prevent cancer with selenium a mineral with antioxidant properties that may help protect cells from damage.
Peaches can help remove worms from the intestines.
Have a diuretic effect which helps cleanse your kidneys and bladder.
Those suffering from gout and rheumatism are recommended by dietitians to eat peaches because peaches tend to have a diuretic and a light laxative effect.
Peach flowers have sedative properties.  A remedy for restlessness includes boiling peach flowers in water along with some honey.
Inhibit tumors growth activity. Peaches have excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant activity according to research.
Chronic bronchitis, coughs and gastritis are relieved with the medicinal tea of the leaves and bark of peach trees.

Strawberry Peach Green Smoothie

This smoothie recipe is super easy and yummy.  It makes an excellent snack during your day.

1 cup peaches, chopped
1 cup strawberries + 1/2 cup small strawberries or sliced ones
1 1/2 – 2 cups Swiss Chard or Spinach
1/2 cup clean water
1 Tbsp golden flax meal (optional)

  1.  Layer peaches, strawberries and greens in your blender.
  2. Cover all ingredients with clean water.
  3. Blend till smooth; use the liquefy button on the blender.
  4. Pour into glass and drink.
  5. OR mix in flax meal and 1/2 cup of strawberries.
  6. Eat your smoothie.

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