November 22, 2016

With an increase in the number of people that are coming down with cancer worldwide and the seeming failure of conventional medical treatment to provide a holistic cure and solution to a large number of cancer types, there has been an upsurge in the demand for alternative treatment by patients who know that their life is on the line and basically have nothing to lose since they have literally been given a death sentence by their doctors.
It therefore becomes really worrisome when the public medical institutions saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the good health of their citizens deliberately keep potentially life changing information from the general public.
It is now common knowledge that the American Medical Association, Food and Drug Administration and American Cancer Society are in league to deny the American public access to remedies that have been proven to effectively combat cancer.
These institutions have used strong-arm tactics to suppress both the information and those individuals that can provide the remedy and have been beneficiaries of the alternative remedies.
They go as far as prosecuting and doctor that makes any claim of having a cure outside their control and regulation. They also disrupt public seminars and meetings as well as confiscate any written or audio-visual work that can enlighten the general public on possible alternative cures for their various ailments.
The Case Of The Woman That Fought Cancer With Vitamin B17
The story of a woman who had been living with cancer for a couple of years and had undertone numerous chemotherapy and radiation treatment with no success but rather with dire side effects that only made her condition worse is a touching one.
She decided to take alters into her own hands as conventional medicine had not surprisingly failed her and she was at the point of life or death.
That’s when she decided to do her own research and to her surprise discovered that there was a lot of literature of alternative remedies for her cancer, one that she keyed into wa the use of vitamin B17.
She stumbled upon a book by Edward G. Griffin entitled “World Without Cancer” and this discovery changed her life.
What Is Vitamin B17?
This vitamin is a concentrated form of ground apricot kernels and it is completely safe for consumption with no side effects whatsoever.
She started taking vitamin B17 which she was able to procure online through Amazon. She stopped taking prescription medications and focused on healing with the use of vitamin B17 and within a couple of months her cancer was in remission. However, when she stopped taking the vitamin B17 her cancer resurfaced, she then decided that the solution to her problem was the vitamin B17 medication and she diligently adhered to her course of 500 mg twice daily in 10 weeks’ time her cancer was completely gone, she was free of the tumors that had ravaged her.