10 Best Anti Aging Supplements Worth Taking
June 18, 2017
Do you often feel worried that you are aging too fast? Have you ever dreamy of some magic pill which can slow down the aging process and keep you young for long? Be it the pollution in the environment or the type of food we eat every day, we are only aging faster than ever.
So, how can you combat this issue? Are there any anti-aging supplements that you can use? Well, there are! And this post talks about ten such supplements, which are known to be the best when it comes to slowing down the aging process.
Want to know what those supplements are? Then you better read this post!
1. Coenzyme Q-10:
As we grow older, an enzyme named CoQ10, which is produced by the body, decreases eventually with the passing years. In fact, low production of enzyme CoQ10 is linked with various age related disorders like Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Researches have shown that the supplement CoQ10 helps in preventing the blood from clotting in an efficient way. This feature of the supplement helps in containing the chances of heart attack and other heart related diseases.
This supplement also acts as an antioxidant. The presence of these enzymes in our body protects our cell from damage, thereby resulting in healthy skin, hair and overall health.
2. Resveratrol:
This is a polyphenol that is found in grapes and berries. The effectiveness of this element is often linked with the old notion that wine is the secret behind long and healthy life. Daily dose of this supplement is recommended for a longer life span.
How Does It Work:
The supplement is noted for increasing the insulin sensitivity by decreasing the glucose levels. The supplement is essential for the wellbeing of diabetic patients.
This supplement also helps in maintaining balance of a protein called sirtuin that helps in ensuring the longevity of the cells.
3. Aspirin:
This wonder drug is prescribed for various ailments from mild headaches to body aches and fever. Studies have shown that those who take a daily small dose of aspirin have better overall health.
How Does It Work:
Aspirin helps in thinning the blood that in turn helps in its better flow and greatly reduces the chances of clotting. Better blood circulation implies a better flow and better functioning of all the organs.
This supplement also helps a lot in reducing the chances of colon cancer. Studies have shown that those who take aspirin every alternate day or every day have fifty percent lower chances of developing colon cancer.
4. Carnitine:
It is a nutrient which is stored in various parts of the body and helps in converting stored fat into energy. In normal circumstances, the kidney and liver produce this element that reduces considerably by the passing years.
How Does It Work:
This element, when taken in the form of supplements, helps in treating angina or common chest pain problems.
The supplement is effective in shooing away the emerging signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
The supplement is also noted for its role in treating depression and dementia.
Studies have revealed that the supplement also helps in increasing the sperm count in men, thus boosting the fertility factor.
5. Fish Oil:
Fish oil has omega-3 that is a medically certified way of keeping the heart hale and healthy. In lines with the age old notion that eating fish prolongs our life span, fish oil is a good and recommended supplement as anti-aging tool.
How Does It Work:
Omega-3 present in the fish oil helps in reducing the effects of glaucoma and macular degeneration.
It helps in increasing the lifespan by reducing the chances of sudden death in heart patients.
6. GTF Chromium:
This is a complex molecule of the mineral chromium which is found naturally in the body. It helps in making the insulin more effective.
How Does It Work:
Blood sugar in the blood damages tissues and is a major contributor to the signs of aging. This supplement helps to control the sugar attack on our body cells.
This supplement is also vital in keeping the skin young and free from the signs of aging.
7. Hesperidin:
This is a specific bioflavonoid that is found in citrus fruit peels and has some amazing effects on your body.
How Does It Work:
With age, our veins tend to become bent and out of shape giving a look of a purple worm-like spotting under the skin. This supplement helps in increasing the tightness and thus improves the blood flow.
This supplement also helps in reducing the inflammation in the veins thus keeping your heart young and healthy.
8. Idebenone:
This is an antioxidant that is the secret behind the younger looking skin of many aged Hollywood celebrities.
How Does It Work:
This supplement, when taken daily, penetrates deep into the skin and repairs the damage caused by aging.
This wonder supplement is also used by many anti-aging cream manufacturing companies.
9. Imedeen:
This supplement has a protein derived from a deep sea fish and is gaining popularity for showing wonderful results.
How Does It Work:
The contents of this supplement help in increasing the production of collagen and elastin which are crucial for keeping the skin tight and firm.
Daily intake of this supplement also helps in providing hyaluronic acid that is basically a natural moisturizer which helps in keeping your skin soft, supple and wrinkle free.
10. Heliocare:
This supplement is basically the fern extract which is very efficient in protecting the skin from effects of the sun and passing years.
How Does It Work:
Daily intake of these supplementary pills helps in reducing UVA related damage on the skin.
The anti wrinkle supplement is also very efficient in reducing and prolonging the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.
Take these anti aging supplements today and welcome a younger tomorrow! And do you know of any other latest anti aging supplements? Do share with us in the comments section below!

Do you often feel worried that you are aging too fast? Have you ever dreamy of some magic pill which can slow down the aging process and keep you young for long? Be it the pollution in the environment or the type of food we eat every day, we are only aging faster than ever.
So, how can you combat this issue? Are there any anti-aging supplements that you can use? Well, there are! And this post talks about ten such supplements, which are known to be the best when it comes to slowing down the aging process.
Want to know what those supplements are? Then you better read this post!
1. Coenzyme Q-10:
As we grow older, an enzyme named CoQ10, which is produced by the body, decreases eventually with the passing years. In fact, low production of enzyme CoQ10 is linked with various age related disorders like Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Researches have shown that the supplement CoQ10 helps in preventing the blood from clotting in an efficient way. This feature of the supplement helps in containing the chances of heart attack and other heart related diseases.
This supplement also acts as an antioxidant. The presence of these enzymes in our body protects our cell from damage, thereby resulting in healthy skin, hair and overall health.
2. Resveratrol:
This is a polyphenol that is found in grapes and berries. The effectiveness of this element is often linked with the old notion that wine is the secret behind long and healthy life. Daily dose of this supplement is recommended for a longer life span.
How Does It Work:
The supplement is noted for increasing the insulin sensitivity by decreasing the glucose levels. The supplement is essential for the wellbeing of diabetic patients.
This supplement also helps in maintaining balance of a protein called sirtuin that helps in ensuring the longevity of the cells.
3. Aspirin:
This wonder drug is prescribed for various ailments from mild headaches to body aches and fever. Studies have shown that those who take a daily small dose of aspirin have better overall health.
How Does It Work:
Aspirin helps in thinning the blood that in turn helps in its better flow and greatly reduces the chances of clotting. Better blood circulation implies a better flow and better functioning of all the organs.
This supplement also helps a lot in reducing the chances of colon cancer. Studies have shown that those who take aspirin every alternate day or every day have fifty percent lower chances of developing colon cancer.
4. Carnitine:
It is a nutrient which is stored in various parts of the body and helps in converting stored fat into energy. In normal circumstances, the kidney and liver produce this element that reduces considerably by the passing years.
How Does It Work:
This element, when taken in the form of supplements, helps in treating angina or common chest pain problems.
The supplement is effective in shooing away the emerging signs of Alzheimer’s disease.
The supplement is also noted for its role in treating depression and dementia.
Studies have revealed that the supplement also helps in increasing the sperm count in men, thus boosting the fertility factor.
5. Fish Oil:
Fish oil has omega-3 that is a medically certified way of keeping the heart hale and healthy. In lines with the age old notion that eating fish prolongs our life span, fish oil is a good and recommended supplement as anti-aging tool.
How Does It Work:
Omega-3 present in the fish oil helps in reducing the effects of glaucoma and macular degeneration.
It helps in increasing the lifespan by reducing the chances of sudden death in heart patients.
6. GTF Chromium:
This is a complex molecule of the mineral chromium which is found naturally in the body. It helps in making the insulin more effective.
How Does It Work:
Blood sugar in the blood damages tissues and is a major contributor to the signs of aging. This supplement helps to control the sugar attack on our body cells.
This supplement is also vital in keeping the skin young and free from the signs of aging.
7. Hesperidin:
This is a specific bioflavonoid that is found in citrus fruit peels and has some amazing effects on your body.
How Does It Work:
With age, our veins tend to become bent and out of shape giving a look of a purple worm-like spotting under the skin. This supplement helps in increasing the tightness and thus improves the blood flow.
This supplement also helps in reducing the inflammation in the veins thus keeping your heart young and healthy.
8. Idebenone:
This is an antioxidant that is the secret behind the younger looking skin of many aged Hollywood celebrities.
How Does It Work:
This supplement, when taken daily, penetrates deep into the skin and repairs the damage caused by aging.
This wonder supplement is also used by many anti-aging cream manufacturing companies.
9. Imedeen:
This supplement has a protein derived from a deep sea fish and is gaining popularity for showing wonderful results.
How Does It Work:
The contents of this supplement help in increasing the production of collagen and elastin which are crucial for keeping the skin tight and firm.
Daily intake of this supplement also helps in providing hyaluronic acid that is basically a natural moisturizer which helps in keeping your skin soft, supple and wrinkle free.
10. Heliocare:
This supplement is basically the fern extract which is very efficient in protecting the skin from effects of the sun and passing years.
How Does It Work:
Daily intake of these supplementary pills helps in reducing UVA related damage on the skin.
The anti wrinkle supplement is also very efficient in reducing and prolonging the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.
Take these anti aging supplements today and welcome a younger tomorrow! And do you know of any other latest anti aging supplements? Do share with us in the comments section below!