Benefits of Red Onions

November 07, 2015
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Red onions, also known as Spanish onions, contain plenty of healthy essential nutrients as well as phytochemical that provide long-term health benefits. Including red onions in your daily diet may help reduce your risk of chronic disease.

Pungent yet flavorful, red onions can be enjoyed in salads, sliced for use on sandwiches or cooked into soups or other dishes. Some people love the red onion, and some hate it because of its smell.

Then again, its health impacts are stunning! It ought to be eaten raw, on the grounds that cooking it reduces its capacities. There are many combinations with red onion, and also, for lunch, you can eat it as a side dish. These are seven reasons why red onion is useful for your health.

Sleep and mood

Folate, found in onions, may help with depression by preventing an excess of homocysteine from forming in the body, which can prevent blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain. Excess homocysteine interferes with the production of the feel-good hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate not only mood, but also sleep and appetite as well.

 Treatment of Acne

The antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities of onion can work wonders on your skin. It is a powerful antiseptic that protects your skin from acne-causing bacteria and other skin infections.

Onions can be used in the treatment of acne and pimples. For this purpose, you can mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice or extract with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply it on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off. Apart from topical application, the regular consumption of onion can also give you miraculous results in the case of acne.

Stops cancer cell growth

Onion is brimming with sulfur compounds that shield the body from ulcers and different diseases. They will likewise battle bacteria in the urinary tract.

Controls diabetes

Raw onions accelerate the creation of insulin. In case you’re diabetic, eat raw new onions.

Cures constipation

The onion’s fibers assist with constipation.  They take the poisons out of your intestines.

Help with sore throat

Onion juice is customarily utilized against colds and sore throat, and it gives extraordinary results.

Nose bleeds

Red onions prevent the bleeding from the nose. Another thing which prevents the bleeding from the nose smells them.

Protects the heart

Onion shields from coronary disease and controls hypertension.

Maintains Bone Health

Onions are used to maintain a healthy bone system. Recent studies have shown that they contain a compound that prevents excessive bone loss. It is especially useful for women who go through menopause and are at a greater risk of osteoporosis.

 Controls cholesterol levels

Raw onions control the cholesterol levels and reduce the bad cholesterol.

Onion for Hair Growth

Onion Juice-Honey Mixture

You can use this remedy in two different ways. You can mix ¼ cup of onion juice with one honey tablespoon of honey and you can consume it orally every day or you can apply the mix on the scalp and massage it for 15 minutes daily to see the difference.

Concoction of Onion Juice and Rum

If you find the smell of onions unbearable you can use this method to prevent the loss of hair and to improve the growth of hair. Finely chop one medium sized onion and soak this in a glass of rum overnight. Next day, strain the mixture to remove the onion pieces. Use the concoction to massage the scalp or use it as a hair rinse after washing the hair.

Onion Juice and Coconut Oil Pack for Hair

What You Need,

Tablespoon onion juice, 2 tablespoons coconut oil, A few drops of an essential oil of your choice (optional)

How to Use,

Mix the onion juice with the coconut oil.
Add the essential oil to the concoction. This step is optional but essential oils help mask the strong odor of the onion.
Massage the mixture into the scalp and keep for 1 to 2 hours.
Rinse the pack off using shampoo and warm water.
This mask should not be used more than once a week.

Protect Against Allergies

The natural antihistamine quercetin, present in onions, prevents asthma and allergies. The quercetin from the onion is easily absorbed through the intestine and stays for a long time in circulation than the quercetin obtained from other foods.

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