Why You Shouldn't Throw Out Lemon Peel
November 07, 2015
Lemon peels contain a spectrum
of vitamins, minerals and fiber that can give your menu a nutritional boost,
although you would have to consuming large amounts of peel to glean significant
nutritional benefits. People tend to think of lemon juice, but lemon
peel can be just as effective as it has some enzymes that help us live a
healthier life.
Boil citrus rinds for several minutes. Allow to cool completely and strain. Add ¼ cup cow or almond milk, 2 tablespoons of cold pressed olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon essential oil. Soak feet for about 20 minutes and then pat dry to moisturize and soften feet.
Mix 1/2 a cup of sugar with finely chopped lemon peel and enough olive oil to make a paste. Wet your body in the shower, turn off the water, and massage the sugar mix all over your skin. Rinse off and bask in your smooth skin.
Add some lemon peels along windowsills, on thresholds and near any cracks or holes where ants or pests may be entering. Many pests abhor the acid in lemon, so this would work great, you should try it.
Lemon peels can be very lightly rubbed on your face for a nice skin tonic, then rinse with lukewarm water. (And be careful around your eyes.)
Also adding some lemon peel (with traces of pulp and pith removed) to your brown sugar can help keep it moist and easy to use.
Bake discarded lemon peels until they darken. These create natural, fragrant firelighters.
Whiten and strengthen fingernails by rubbing with a lemon wedge every night before bed time.
Use the same method described to polish chrome, applied to any stainless sink.
Place a lemon peel inside your fridge to absorb smells and bring a bright citrus scent. This works great because lemon peel has amazing absorption power.
Lemon zest is a great addition in both sweet and savory dishes. Zest some of your peel on your juice, salad or any dish.

Reduces Cholesterol
These are also helpful in
decreasing the cholesterol levels in the body which results in maintaining good
health of our hearts. This is due to the presence of polyphenol flavonoids in
lemon peels.
Fight Cancer
We already mentioned that two
of the nutrients in lemon peel are limonene and salvestrol Q40 and these two
components both fight cancerous cells. In addition, the flavonoids that can be
found in the peel can help counter cancerous cell division. Because of that,
eating lemon peel is considered a preventive action against several types of
cancers such as skin, colon and breast.
Make a foot soak
Boil citrus rinds for several minutes. Allow to cool completely and strain. Add ¼ cup cow or almond milk, 2 tablespoons of cold pressed olive oil and a couple of drops of lemon essential oil. Soak feet for about 20 minutes and then pat dry to moisturize and soften feet.
Maintains Oral Health
& Hygiene
Lemon peels are also great for
oral health and hygiene. Vitamin C deficiency results in teeth related problems
like bleeding gums, scurvy and gingivitis. Lemon peels are rich in citric acid
which helps in covering up for the deficiency of vitamin C and helps in
fighting these known teeth and gum related problems.
Fight Skin
Related Conditions
Lemon peels help in preventing
and fighting skin problems such as wrinkles, acne, pigmentation and dark spots.
The free radicals play a very important role in this process. These are also
rich in antioxidants which tend to detoxify the skin to a very great extent.
Improves Bone
Lemon peels help in improving
bone health. It contains a high amount of calcium and vitamin C, which help in
maintaining and improving the health of bones. Lemon peel also helps in
preventing bone related diseases likes osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and
inflammatory polyarthritis.
Make a sugar scrub
Mix 1/2 a cup of sugar with finely chopped lemon peel and enough olive oil to make a paste. Wet your body in the shower, turn off the water, and massage the sugar mix all over your skin. Rinse off and bask in your smooth skin.
Boost Metabolism and
Reduce Weight
One of the elements in lemon
peel is pectin which has been shown to help in weight loss. This substance has
some properties that will convert it into a jelly which prevents your body from
absorbing excessive quantities of sugar, helping maintain your weight.
How to Eat a Lemon
There are a couple different
ways you can prepare your lemon peels.
Place your lemons in the
freezer for a couple of hours. Then take them out and grate them. You can
sprinkle the grated lemon peel on your meals or in your drinks.
Grate the outside of your lemon
(without freezing). Sprinkle the lemon peel pieces on your meals or in
your drinks or you could just bite right into one.
Grated lemon peels make a great
addition to salads and teas. They add amazing flavor to any meal.
Uses of Lemon Peel
Keep insects out
Add some lemon peels along windowsills, on thresholds and near any cracks or holes where ants or pests may be entering. Many pests abhor the acid in lemon, so this would work great, you should try it.
Use on your skin
Lemon peels can be very lightly rubbed on your face for a nice skin tonic, then rinse with lukewarm water. (And be careful around your eyes.)
Keep brown sugar soft
Also adding some lemon peel (with traces of pulp and pith removed) to your brown sugar can help keep it moist and easy to use.
Bake discarded lemon peels until they darken. These create natural, fragrant firelighters.
Whitener and
Stronger Nails
Whiten and strengthen fingernails by rubbing with a lemon wedge every night before bed time.
Clean a stainless
Use the same method described to polish chrome, applied to any stainless sink.
Freshen your Fridge
Place a lemon peel inside your fridge to absorb smells and bring a bright citrus scent. This works great because lemon peel has amazing absorption power.
Lemon Zest
Lemon zest is a great addition in both sweet and savory dishes. Zest some of your peel on your juice, salad or any dish.