Surprising Benefits of Potato Juice

November 18, 2015
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Potato juice contains vitamins and minerals that foster growth and restoration of skin cells.
Cut a medium-sized potato into thick slices.
Take one of the potato pieces and rub it gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes. Make sure the starch from the potato covers the affected area.
Allow the potato juice to dry for some time and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Angular cheilitis 

One of the most important purposes of potato juice is for treating angular cheilitis, a common skin disorder characterized by redness and swelling of the mouth corners. Potato juice is known to be an effective anti-inflammatory so applying this on the corners of your mouth can tone down the lesions in no time. If you make it a habit to drink potato juice every day, you’ll get enough vitamin B complex, which you need to fight angular cheilitis. Experts say that vitamin B deficiency is a leading cause of this skin problem.


To treat blemishes, apply a generous amount of cold potato juice on the affected skin once a day.


Apply cold potato juice on sun burnt skin. This gives a cooling sensation that alleviates stinging and pain.


Keep wrinkles at bay by dabbing potato juice gently on the face every day. This also gives your skin a youthful glow.

Dark circles under the eyes

Dip cotton balls on potato juice. Put them under your eyes every night before going to sleep. In a week, you can say goodbye to those unsightly dark circles.

Puffy eyes and tired skin

Soak a cotton ball on potato juice and rub gently on tired eyes and skin.

Skin lightening

Potato juice is a natural skin lightener. Mix it with lemon juice and apply on the dark areas of your skin. An alternative is mixing potato juice with cucumber.


For an anti-aging regimen, you can use a face mask made with potato juice and curd. This is a great way to hydrate the skin and reduce signs of aging like fine lines. Mixing potato juice with olive oil can help get rid of crow’s feet and dark circles under the eye

Dry skin

Apart from applying potato juice on your skin, it also helps to drink one glass of it every day. This is good for dry skin and skin protection against toxins.


Apart from angular cheilitis, drinking potato juice can also treat eczema, another common skin problem.


Hair loss

Potato juice can be used to grow hair faster. To do this, mix it with egg white and honey. Apply on your hair and let it stay there for two hours. Rinse off with mild shampoo and then, water.

Dry hair
Mixture of aloe Vera and potato juice can bring back the healthy shine of your dry and frizzy hair.

Gray hair

Instead of using water to rinse off shampoo from your hair, use potato juice as this will help darken gray hair, and also give it a beautiful glow.



Potato juice helps flush out toxins from the body. By doing so, it wards off numerous health problems like angular cheilitis. Angular cheilitis is usually caused by bacteria or fungal infection, which won’t occur in the first place if the body’s immune resistance is strong. Toxin overload can deteriorate your immune defense so by drinking potato juice for detoxification, you can help strengthen your immune system to fight off mouth corner cracks.

Arthritis and joint pains 

As mentioned earlier, potato juice is a wonderful anti-inflammatory. Apart from doing wonders for inflammatory skin disorders like angular cheilitis, it can also be used as a remedy for arthritis, gout, back pain and joint pain. For best results, drink it in the morning before eating breakfast.


Although not scientifically proven yet, many attest to the efficacy of potato juice for treatment of cancer. Drinking it every day is said to help fight cancer cells and inhibit them from damaging other healthy cells.

Kidney disease

Drink potato juice to prevent calcium stone formation in the urinary tract.


Lower cholesterol levels by drinking potato juice daily.

Cardiovascular disease

Healthy for the heart, potato juice can prevent artery blockage and heart attacks.

Weight Loss

This vegetable juice can also aid in weight loss. Drink it twice a day first in the morning on an empty stomach and next, at night about two to three hours before sleeping.


Regular consumption of potato juice can improve digestive function and thwart ailments like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and indigestion.


When consumed first thing in the morning, potato juice is said to have positive effects for people who suffer from gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Peptic Ulcer

Combine potato juice with carrot juice to treat peptic ulcer.

Food poisoning

For food poisoning, potato juice works wonders when mixed with pure honey or carrot juice.

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