Why is Cinnamon So Good for You?

November 06, 2015
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Cinnamon is a highly delicious spice. Cinnamon grows abundantly in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and other Asian countries and people out there have been using cinnamon for various medicinal purposes including for skin disorders.

One great thing about cinnamon is there are so many ways to use it cinnamon oil, powder, and mask. Cinnamon essential oil is often used in aromatherapy and it combines well with lemon, lavender, cardamom, geranium and rosemary essential oils. Cinnamon essential oil can be used as a massage oil to cure arthritis, general pain and such.

Massage Therapy 

Cinnamon is a well known warming agent. Combined with carrier oil it is highly effective in relaxing and relieving muscle pain. Some put a few drops in their bath to relax and to sooth tired and aching muscles.

Prevents Skin Infections and Cures Cuts and Wounds

For any kind of skin infection, make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder in equal proportions and apply it to the affected area. Cinnamon is also known to cure ringworms. Moreover, to cure cuts and wounds, simply dust some cinnamon powder to kill germs and heal it quickly.

Increases Longevity

Cinnamon is known to enhance life span. A combination of 4 teaspoons honey, 1-teaspoon cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water when brewed and drunk 3-4 times day increases longevity.

Parkinson’s disease

Although very little research has been done on Cinnamon as a solution for Parkinson's disease, Cinnamon should present an exciting possibility. This July 2014 study by Rush University Medical Center found that using cinnamon can reverse the biomechanical, cellular and anatomical changes that occur in the brains of mice with Parkinson’s disease.

Cinnamon may help lower the effects of consuming high fat meals. 

According to Penn State researchers, eating a diet rich in spices, like turmeric and cinnamon, reduces the body’s negative responses to eating high fat meals.

Cures Acne, Pimples and Blemishes

Cinnamon helps get rid of acne and pimples on the face and body. This is done by drying the skin and bringing blood and oxygen to the outer skin surface. A simple to make recipe includes mixing 3 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp cinnamon. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it overnight. Alternatively, leave it on for 20 minutes before washing with water. Repeat next week.

Weight Loss 

Cinnamon apparently has the effect of thinning your blood thereby increasing blood circulation. Increased blood flow generally boosts your metabolism which is why it may be helpful in weight loss. This blood thinning property of Cinnamon also helps it in acting as an anti clotting agent especially for those suffering from heart disease.

Care must be taken to NOT to Cinnamon with other blood thinning medication. The main ingredient that causes your blood to thin is Coumarin which is present in high doses in Cassia Cinnamon (4%) but not in Ceylon Cinnamon (0.04%). However Coumarin causes liver damage. So taking Cassia Cinnamon for weight loss may end up causing liver damage.

Treats Infertility

Cinnamon contains a nutrient called cinnamaldehyde, which is known to increase the progesterone level and decrease testosterone levels in women. The hormonal balance reduces the chances of infertility in women.

Lightens Hair Color

If required, cinnamon can lighten the hair color. Mix equal proportions of your conditioner and cinnamon powder. Cover the entire length of the hair with the mixture. Apply the mixture evenly to avoid streaking. Brush the hair, remove all tangles and cover it with a shower cap. Leave the mixture overnight and wash the hair in the morning.

Cures Cold

Cinnamon is a warming herb used to cure cold and the common flu. Cinnamon when added to ginger tea is an excellent cold reliever. Another remedy includes adding quarter-teaspoon if cinnamon powder to a tablespoon of honey. Consume the mixture twice a day for 3 days for best results.

Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Again the anti-bacterial properties of Cinnamon play a crucial role in getting rid of harmful bacteria without damaging your teeth or gums. It’s one of the reasons that Cinnamon Oil is often used in chewing gums, mouthwashes, and toothpaste and breath mints.

Treats Rough Feet

Cinnamon can soften rough and dry skin due to its rich anti-oxidant properties. Prepare a foot bath by mixing the juice of five lemons, a tablespoon of olive oil, quarter-cup whole milk, half-cup water and 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon. Soak the feet in this bath for 15 minutes for soft and smooth feet.

Instant and natural mouth freshener

Since ancient times, cinnamon has been used for treating toothache and combating bad breath. A pinch of cinnamon power in your mouth helps improve your oral hygiene.

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