Amazing Benefits of Bitter Melon

November 06, 2015
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Bitter melon is a plant. The fruit and seeds are used to make medicine. Bitter melon is used for various stomach and intestinal disorders including gastrointestinal (GI) upset, ulcers, colitis, constipation, and intestinal worms. It is also used for diabetes, kidney, fever, a skin condition called psoriasis, and liver disease; to start menstruation; and as supportive treatment for people with HIV/AIDS.

The melon has an extremely bitter taste, but it is a helpful food. Bitter melon is commonly added to stir-fry, or may be enjoyed stuffed. It may also be added to the diet as a supplement. In order to receive the full health benefits, find and cook the melon regularly.

Kidney Stones

A kidney stone is an extremely painful medical condition. Bitter melon can be helpful in ridding the body of kidney stones through naturally breaking them down. Bitter melon reduces high acid that help produce painful kidney stones. Infuse bitter melon powder with water to create a healthful tea. This tea has a nutty flavor and, surprisingly, does not require sweetening.

Skin Infections

Bitter melon benefits in treating skin diseases or skin infections, eczema and psoriasis . The regular consumption of bitter gourd juice helps in improving psoriasis as well as other fungal infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Pancreatic Cancer

One of the most surprising health benefits of bitter melon is its anti-cancer properties. Bitter melon has been shown to disrupt the production of glucose, potentially inhibiting the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. Try these bitter melon juice recipes for a touch of variety and to reap the full health reward of this unusual melon. Bitter melon may also starve other cancerous cells in the liver, colon, breast, or prostate.

Good for Type II Diabetes

Bitter melon is rich in polypeptide-P, a phytonutrient and plant insulin that decreases blood sugar. Bitter melon also contains a unique phyto-constituent that has charantin, which is known to increase glycogen synthesis and glucose uptake in muscle, liver, and adipose tissues. This duo lowers blood sugar, which is essential for patients with type-2 diabetes.

Heart Disease

Bitter melon is very good for the heart in many ways. It helps reduce the bad cholesterol levels which clog the arterial walls and thereby reduces the chances of heart attacks. Also, it is known to lower the blood sugar levels that help in maintaining a good heart health.

 Liver Tonic

There are several benefits of regularly consuming a liver tonic. A tonic aids in digestion, improves gallbladder function, and lowers fluid retention. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and constipation may be relieved with a bitter melon liver tonic. Drink a bitter melon juice at least once a day to enjoy the benefits.

A liver tonic is also aids in weight loss, and may relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel system. Bitter melon speeds up the metabolism of alcohol, which means it can relieve hangovers. It also repairs, cleanses and nourishes liver, which is beneficial for those who have a damaged liver due to alcohol consumption.

Lower Cholesterol

Help lower dangerous cholesterol levels with bitter melon. Reducing cholesterol significantly reduces heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. The added benefit is that bitter melon is completely natural in working with the body to prevent these health risks. High cholesterol can only be diagnosed with a blood test. Try Bitter Melon Delight to reap the reward of this surprising health benefit.

Some Important Tips

  1. Always choose bitter gourds that are fresh, bright, and deep green in color.
  2. Always wash bitter melon thoroughly under running water.
  3. Don’t consume more than 2 bitter melons in a day.
  4. Marinade with salt to reduce the bitterness.
  5. Pregnant women should be careful while consuming this vegetable. The laxative component of the vegetable may lead to premature contraction, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages. Do consult your doctor once.
  6. The bitter melon leaves should be kept in a cool, dry, and dark place. They stay fresh in the refrigerator up to a week.
  7. Use fresh bitter melon for best results.

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