Foods High in Iron for Healthy and Strong life
December 13, 2015

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are one of the
healthier seeds you can eat, not only because they contain so much iron, but
because they contain omega-3s, which can help with an assortment of conditions.
They also contain tryptophan,
which will help relax the body and help you sleep, as well as being a good
source of protein which will help you if you’re trying to increase your protein
In addition to iron they’re
also a good source of magnesium and zinc, and this combination will help with
the heart and the prostate, as well as providing you with the benefits of iron
as discussed at the top of this page.
Tips for eating more: Pumpkin
seeds make a great year round snack, and it’s easy to grab a handful and munch
on them between meals. They can also be used as a salad topper, or as a garnish
for a soup or a main dish.
Olives may seem like an
unlikely source for iron, but they rank fairly high on our list of foods with
iron.With so many different types of
olives out there, it’s nice to know that no matter which one you pick you’ll be
getting a decent amount of iron. Be aware that stuffed olives may contain
things that increase your fat or sodium levels further, like cheese and
Olives contain fiber as well as
monounsaturated fat, one of the healthy fats, so they can be used as part of a
healthy diet, as long as you are watching your sodium intake.
Tips for eating more: Olives
are relatively high in sodium, so you won’t want to eat too many of them as a
way of bringing up your iron level. Have a few of them to help contribute to
your overall iron intake, and rely on an assortment of iron-rich foods to help
get you to your requirement.
Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is a commonly
used meat source, and it will provide iron to your body. While it does rank
considerably lower than other food items on our list, it is nevertheless an
important contributor to your iron level.
Rather than think of specific
foods that you should be eating because of their iron content, it’s better to
think of the foods you already eat on a regular basis, and then appreciate them
even more for the iron they contain.
Chicken breast is a great
source of protein, which is why you’ll often see bodybuilders chowing down on
it, as well as those just looking to put on some lean muscle. Adding an
iron-rich vegetable like the ones found on this page is a great way to round
out what chicken breast has to offer.
Tips for eating more: Chicken
breast is arguably the most popular meat in America, and there are so many
different ways to prepare it that it’s easy enough to start eating more. While
not a huge source of iron, it can play its part in helping you reach your daily
Broccoli is a vegetable that
you simply have to feel good about eating, given that it is so high in so many
departments. Iron is one area where broccoli can help you out, but that really
only scratches the surface on why broccoli is so good for you.
The fiber content in broccoli
can’t be ignored, and it helps out your digestive system by providing 10% of
the fiber you need.
Not only will broccoli give you
a bit of iron to help your cause, and in addition to all of the fiber, you’ll
be getting your fair share of vitamins as well. It’s particularly high in
Vitamin C, and you’ll be getting a full day’s supply in a 100g serving. It also
contains a respectable amount of protein for a vegetable.
Tips for eating more: Broccoli
gets a bad rap for being a vegetable that isn’t tasty. But it’s all in how you
prepare it. If you don’t like the taste of broccoli by itself, try adding it to
vegetables that you do like. It plays well with others and can play a smaller
role in your iron needs for the day.
Dark Chocolate
You might have heard that you
should start eating dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate for health
reasons. One of those reasons is its high iron content, something milk
chocolate also contains.
There are several types of dark
chocolate that you can buy, and it’s broken down by the amount of cocoa solids
it contains. The higher the percentage, the more it’s purely cocoa, so pick the
highest level that you find still tastes good, as it gets pretty bitter the
higher up you go.
Dark chocolate also provides
you with antioxidants that you won’t find in milk chocolate. It contains far
less sugar and in some cases no milk, just be sure to check the label on the
chocolate you’re considering to see that it’s pure.
Tips for eating more: Dark
chocolate works best as a way to satisfy your sweet tooth and chocolate
craving, and you don’t want to overdo it. Stick to the serving size on the
chocolate’s packaging, and look to an assortment of foods to get your full iron
for the day.
One feature of spinach that helps
it with its reputation as a healthy vegetable is its iron content, placing it
in the top 5 foods high in iron. It’s a food that helps keep your body
alkaline and contains antioxidants that will help your body fight off
damage from free radicals, making it one of the more important foods you can
You’ll want to opt for organic
spinach whenever possible, as it is a very absorbent vegetable and conventional
spinach will have soaked up the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on it during
the growing season.
Spinach contains an array of
phytonutrients in addition to its iron content, and is consistently ranked as
one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Do everything you can to get more
spinach into your diet, especially during the spring and summer months.
Tips for eating more: Adding
spinach to a smoothie instantly makes it a green smoothie and not only gives
you more iron but also gives you fiber, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Try using
baby spinach in place of lettuce in salads and on sandwiches.