Why you should avoid these Unhealthy Foods?
December 12, 2015

If you get your pancakes out of
a box, you might not even suspect they might contain trans fat because it
starts off in powder form. Bisquick for example has nearly 5g of trans fat in
each cup. Makes you think twice about using pre-made mixes and just take the
extra minute or so to come up with your own batch so you know everything that’s
in it.
OK, so we all know that donuts
won’t show up on any lists of the healthiest foods, but what ends them up on
this list is a combination of fat, sugar, and cholesterol, as well as MSG and
trans fat in some cases. The cholesterol levels are also pretty high, and are
concern enough to avoid eating doughnuts as a regular breakfast item, reserving
them to perhaps a monthly treat.
Fast Food
We all know we shouldn't eat
fast food because it’s bad for us, but part of the reason is because of all the trans fats and other additives they use to make the food taste good. The
problem is not just that there is trans fat in the foods, but that the portion
sizes quickly multiply those contents and before long you have a week’s worth
of trans fat in one meal. A large french fry from McDonald’s supplies 4
day’s worth of trans fat by itself.
Colas and Sodas
These are the number one
offender because they’re so ubiquitous. 7UP once tried to claim that their soda
was made with all-natural ingredients, saying that because it comes from corn
HFCS is all-natural. They no longer phrase it this way, and other colas
blatantly have it listed as the most abundant sweetener. In ordinary Coca-Cola
it’s the only sweetener used.
Pasta Dishes
A plain bowl of pasta won’t
ruin your day, calorically speaking, but pasta often serves as the foundation
for more calorie-laden dishes. A nice slab of Lasagna Classico from Olive
Garden for example can tip the charts at 850 calories, more than half of
the calories allotted to some dieters. That doesn’t leave much for the rest of
the day. Also consider a small serving of Spaghetti with Meatballs from Buca di
Beppo that tips the tables at 916 calories.
Ranch Dressing
It’s America’s favorite
dressing and dipping sauce, but ever wonder why you can’t get enough of it, and
why it makes so many things taste better? One of the most popular nationwide
brands, Hidden Valley Ranch, has it in its ingredients, as well as
Maltodextrin, Modified Food Starch, and other artificial flavors and
Lunch Meats
Because of the processing they
go through most lunch meats are packed with extra sodium as well as nitrates.
There are plenty of reasons to take a pass on lunch meats, or at least to read
the labels before you buy in order to make sure that you are getting meat that
isn’t loaded with fillers and additives. Some other top concerns are the
bacteria listeria which can pose a problem for pregnant women, sodium nitrate
which could potentially be cancer-causing, and added oils and sweeteners which
add to the fat and carb count.
Packaged Chips
The more flavoring a chip has,
the more MSG and other artificial ingredients you can expect it to have. It’s
hard to come up with exact numbers of how much MSG they contain, because it’s
not required to list it on the Nutrition Facts. You can get an idea of how
prevalent it is by how far down the ingredients list it is. The further down,
the less it has, but just remember that they’ll sneak it in using different
names, so while Monosodium Glutamate might be near the bottom, a different
substance may be closer to the top.
Light Foods and
If you’re calorie conscious you
might be attracted to foods that are advertised as Lite or Light, since they’ll
have fewer calories than their regular counterparts. But what you’re trading
the calories for is typically artificial sweeteners that might be calorie-free
but have their own side effects and health hazards.
Coffee Drinks
A cup of regular Joe won’t
damage your carb levels for the day, but when you get all fancy you’re
ultimately created a carb-infused cocktail. A medium cappuccino from Mc Cafe at
McDonald’s will cost you 12g of carbs, and a medium sized latte, even with
sugar-free syrup, still puts you at 44g of carbohydrates, almost insuring
you’re going to go over your daily budget.
Microwave Popcorn
Most of the popular brands of
microwave popcorn have trans fat of some sort in them. One of the biggest
offenders is Pop Secret, which supplies 5 grams of trans fat per serving.
Sounds like a lot since it more than doubles your daily allowance. The big
thing to remember is that few of us stop at one serving of popcorn as we
snuggle up to watch a movie at home.
Fried Foods
Set aside the high amounts of
trans fat, saturated fat, calories, and cholesterol that comes with frying
foods, since that’s been covered many times before and most of us already know
about those dangers. Another reason to avoid eating fried foods is that most of
them will contain MSG. One of the easiest ways to get fried food with MSG in it
is to stop into KFC and order anything fried from their menu. They’re not the
only culprit, not by a long shot. MSG is prevalent in so many packaged foods
that it’s almost a given that if it comes from a major food supplier, is fried
and comes in a package, it will contain some amount of MSG.