
Vaginal pimples: Causes, treatment, and prevention

July 01, 2017
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What are these vaginal pimples or vaginal bumps I have? Is it normal to have pimples on such a private area? If so, what causes these bumps or pimples on vaginal area? Get insight on pimples or bumps on vaginal area, including the most frequent causes such as STDs, ingrown hair, abscess, cysts, acne, skin tags, eczema, cancer, angioma, molluscum contagiosum, folliculitis, among others and their treatments.

This article covers the common causes of vaginal pimples, their treatment, and methods to prevent future occurrence.

What are Vaginal Pimples?

Vaginal pimples are similar to face pimples or pimples anywhere else on the body. But they are very painful and stinging unlike pimples on other parts of the body.

They are small, skin colored to red, rounded lesions down there. May be single or many. Pimples may or may not be filled with pus.

Is it safe to pop a vaginal pimple?

It’s best not to try to pop a vaginal pimple. For one thing, it can spread bacteria and lead to infection. For another, this sensitive area can be easily irritated. And you’re likely to end up making things much worse.

The pimple can become a boil if it fills with pus and continues to grow bigger for several days. As it grows, it can become painful.

You should never try to burst or pick at a boil near your genitals. It’s likely to rupture on its own. Instead see your doctor, who can lance the boil in a way that will prevent infection.

Vaginal Bumps During Periods

Vaginal bumps flare up during monthly periods and become very painful. This is because the area is more moist and has better grounds for the bacteria to grow there.Most women neglect them as they most often disappear after few days.

But it is recommended to get them diagnosed first. This is to rule out other similar looking conditions like herpes and other STDs. Also, an ordinary vaginal pimple may sometimes complicate to form abscess. So it is advisable to visit the doctor at the earliest.

Causes of Vaginal Pimples and Bumps

Just like facial pimples or pimples that occur on any part of the body, vaginal pimples and bumps are caused by

  • Ingrown hair. Frequent shaving is the main cause of ingrown hair around the vagina. Hair pores might be injured during shaving. During healing the pore shuts, enclosing hair follicles. If this is a recurring problem, consider waxing instead.
  • Excessive production of sebum in the apocrine glands. Facial sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands whereas the apocrine glands are involved in the secretion of sebum in the groin region.
  • Hormonal cycles. Some women have outbreaks just before their periods.
  • Build up of bacteria in the pores due to excessive sweating in the vagina.
  • Bath soap or harsh laundry detergents causing irritation and rashes in the delicate vaginal region.
  • Tight clothing and underwear leading to abrasion and scuffing of the sensitive genital skin. As a result, a rash develops leading to vaginal acne.
Treatment and How to Get Rid of Pimples on Vagina Lips

Pimples on the vaginal area and lips can disappear on their own. Home remedies can help get rid of them faster and relieve their symptoms. When they won’t go away or come with severe symptoms, you need to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Treatments and medications may include antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal medicines. Your doctor can also resort to minor surgical procedures such as incision, excision and drainage if the pimples are too big and cause discomfort. Here’s how to treat vaginal bumps.

Drainage of vaginal cysts

Simple care measures can get rid of pimples on vagina, labia and labia. However, when infected and fluid-filled, cysts in the genital area may need drainage. Antibiotic treatment may also be prescribed to heal the infection.

Bartholin cyst abscess may be drained surgically. The doctor may use a drainage tube and a balloon to keep it open and prevent pus from accumulating further.
Cysts and pimples that won’t go away or won’t heal may be treated with a carbon dioxide laser. Silver nitrate may also be used to treat and prevent cysts and bumps that keep coming back.
If there is pain, your doctor may prescribe pain killers such as ibuprofen. These will relieve pain. A sitz bath can also help with the healing process. During this time, avoid sex to prevent bruising the cyst and slowing down the healing process.

Antibiotic treatment for infected vaginal pimples

Pimples on the vagina, labia lips and vulva with yellow or green pus are most likely infected. Bacterial activity in the pore as well as that of white blood cells cause inflammation. The result is a small raised yellow bump.

Treatment can involve the use of topical antibacterial medications, ointments or creams.
If the infection is serious, your doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics.
Remove ingrown hairs

If the vaginal zits are caused by razor burn bumps and ingrown hair, removing them can help get rid of the pimples. Deep ingrown hairs on the vagina can be difficult to remove. If they keep coming back, a treatment can help resolve the problem for good. Here’s how to remove ingrown hair bumps on vag lips.

Clean the skin in the pubic area and especially around the bump.

Take a long warm bath or shower to open up the pores. This will make the vag bump easier to pop.
Use a sterilized pin to pop the ingrown hair pimple so that you can see the embedded hair.
Grab the ingrown hair using sterilized tweezers and pull out its head. Do not pull out the entire head.
Apply antibacterial cream or a little diluted hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the area.
Steroid creams are also used to treat ingrown hairs. They will help reduce itchiness and irritation on embedded hairs and razor bumps on vagina. If the problem in chronic, it is advisable that you avoid waxing and shaving the bikini area to prevent ingrown hair bumps. See more on ingrown hair on vagina.

Self Care to Get Rid of Vaginal Pimples
  • Wash the area with plain water twice a day. You may do it once while bathing and once before bedtime. No soaps or gels are required for washing this region. They are actually bad for the overall vaginal health and make it prone to pimple formation. Read more on washing the vagina.
  • Wear cotton panties, at least at bed time, which will absorb any extra moisture.
  • Let the panties be loose and breathable.
  • Avoid eating too much of fried and greasy stuffs. They aid in pimple production. Instead, eat more of green leafy vegetables and fresh seasonal fruits. They are natural purifier for the skin and blood.
  • Drink lots of water and fruit juices.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol. These drinks are dehydrating for the skin. Although it may seem counterintuitive, but dry genital skin is more prone to pimple formation.
  • Eating fresh yogurt may aid in quicker recovery. Yogurt contains friendly bacteria, that help in maintaining an ideal pH in the genital region.
  • Exercising on a daily basis is essential. Stay active; it allows your skin to breathe and let your blood flowing efficiently throughout the body. Besides exercising is the only way we move lymph in our lymphatic channels. Cleaner lymphatic channels would cause reduction in pimples on the body.
Home & Herbal Remedies for Treating Vagina Pimples

Over the counter topical acne treatments might be too harsh for the sensitive vaginal area.  The following home remedies and the Manjakani gel are effective alternatives.

Tea tree oil.  Cover the infected area for 30 minutes with a cotton pad which has been soaked in a mild tea tree oil solution. To make tea tree oil solution, add one to two drops of tea tree oil to  ½ cup of water.

Sitz bath. Fill a tub to a depth of 3 to 4 inches with water. Add in 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom salt. This treatment soothes, cleanse and help to dry up vaginal pimples and acne. After soaking in this sitz bath for 20 minutes, rinse and pat dry the intimate area.

Tips for prevention

Once you identify the cause, avoid coming into contact with the irritant. To help prevent future irritation in the vaginal area:
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing that can cause friction.
  • Choose underwear made of cotton rather than synthetic materials.
  • Try not to touch pimples too much.
  • Avoid very hot water when bathing or showering.
  • Skip the bubble bath and scented soaps.
  • Ask your doctor which menstrual products are safe to use.

Because shaving can irritate the skin and cause pimples around the vulva, you might want to ditch the razor. You can still trim your pubic hair with scissors. If you choose to shave your public hair, go with the angle of your hair, in a downward slant.If you have any unusual bumps or growths in the genital area, see your doctor for a diagnosis.

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