Vinegar & Tightening the Vagina - The Truth
July 02, 2017
Women have been trying to figure out natural, healthy ways to tighten their vaginas since before there was even color television. Though many view unpleasant looseness down there as a purely cosmetic issue, in reality, it can wreak havoc on a woman’s life! A loose vagina is a sure way to crush your confidence, resulting in crippling self-consciousness and a decreased performance (and not to mention pleasure!) in bed. Looseness can also exacerbate incontinence and encourage the development of urinary tract infections! If left unaddressed for an extended period of time, it can even result in anxiety or depression.
This means that, yes, a woman struggling with a less-than-stellar opinion of her vagina will often find that the self-consciousness and discomfort permeate the rest of her life.
It’s enough to make even the most confident woman want to crawl in a hole and weep. Surgery is expensive, and there are some things you just can’t put a safety pin on. So what does a woman have to do? Well, I’ll tell you the secret, and it’s probably already in your pantry.
Vinegar Douching For Your Vagina
Though it’s one of the less well-known home remedies, women have been using vinegar to tighten vaginas for some time now. And it works. Even if the results may not come as quickly or dramatically as if you subjected yourself to a series of painful, risky surgeries (I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have a knife anywhere near these delicate loins!), the fact is that it doesn’t always work. But sometimes it works well enough that women who love their friends deeply and altruistically often overcome their embarrassment to recommend it to them.
Although this solution has worked for some women, we do not recommend it as there are no real scientific claims that it does indeed work in tightening the vagina. Also, there is also no point in wasting vinegar in your baths as well as smelling like a fish afterward. It’s just a hassle to do this when there are more viable options available, and ones that work in getting a more firm area down there.
What else can we say about this remedy? I guess it’s just one of those old myths that were passed along from generation to generation and just never died down.
How to Prepare a Natural Douche at Home
Vinegar Bath
Women have been using vinegar traditionally as an effective way of tightening the vulva for years. They add vinegar to bath water and simply soak in it for up to 30 minutes. Therefore, you can simply take a bath in the diluted solution as you usually do. Bill the bathtub with warm water and pour two cups of vinegar into the hot water and enjoy your 10-20 minute sitz bath.
This is one of the more intriguing ideas that we have come across, it has started long before, and it has gained some popularity over the years of women passing the word that vinegar can help women get a younger, and tighter vagina in the process. There is no scientific proof of this, and we would suggest that you do not get the whole idea, as there are much safer ways to tighten your vagina without soaking yourself in vinegar for half an hour a day. That is just disastrous.
We do suggest women use natural tightening creams and gels like V-Tight as it works naturally to shrink your vaginal canals without having any side-effects. It’s one of the most popular products for women today, and there is just no stopping it. More and more women are using the product every day.Made with only natural ingredients, you can be confident that no adverse effects can ever take place when using the product.
Tightening The Vulva Is Not An Easy Task
So how does it work? Unlike a lot of other natural remedies, it’s pretty simple. With this one simple treatment, you won’t need to scour the internet for many exercises, funky-smelling chemicals or herbs no one knows how to pronounce.
Here’s how to use vinegar to tighten vaginas
First, find your vinegar and bottled or distilled water. If you already use apple cider vinegar for other skincare purposes, that will work fine! Simply mix one part vinegar to two parts water (you may want to warm the water ahead of time for comfort purposes– just make sure you don’t heat it too much, or else you’ll wind up scalding your weak, vulnerable lady bits) and use it like you would use any other douche rinse.
You don’t need to drown yourself in it, but make sure you have enough of the concoction for a good, thorough wash every time you do this. Repeat this process with some regularity, be consistent, and let the solution do its work. You should only have to use this wash once every day or two. Any more frequently than that, and you run the risk of upsetting the healthy bacteria that live inside your vagina.
And there you have it! Used regularly, a vinegar astringent will help cleanse and tighten your vagina. Be patient, be consistent, and watch the magic happen… maybe. We do not guarantee results from using vinegar because there are no real evidence of it ever working. Although, many old-timers have sworn by the effectiveness of using vinegar as douches for the vagina, I would take that information with a grain of salt because of the scientific facts that would love to disagree with that information.
Should I Do it Then?
In our opinion, NO! But if you can take the smell of vinegar on your body and let it sit on you for a while then you are very welcome to try. Although the results can vary, and there are no guarantees to it ever working. The choice is yours if you want to take the smelly route.
What we would suggest is that you work on your body through exercises, a good diet and products like V-Tight Gel that work and are safe for you to use on a daily basis. With these, your results are pretty much set in stone, and you will be able to see permanent results in as little as a couple of weeks.
No scientific proof can say that drinking and bathing in vinegar can shrink up your vaginal walls nor has there been any substantial evidence of such. It is popular merely because of the lack of knowledge about the female body which isn’t the case anymore. The more we learn about a woman’s body, the more efficient methods we will be able to come up with when it comes to tightening the vulva through all-natural methods that are safe for you to use.
We have more information on how to be able to keep your vagina tighter on our website. Happy learning!

Women have been trying to figure out natural, healthy ways to tighten their vaginas since before there was even color television. Though many view unpleasant looseness down there as a purely cosmetic issue, in reality, it can wreak havoc on a woman’s life! A loose vagina is a sure way to crush your confidence, resulting in crippling self-consciousness and a decreased performance (and not to mention pleasure!) in bed. Looseness can also exacerbate incontinence and encourage the development of urinary tract infections! If left unaddressed for an extended period of time, it can even result in anxiety or depression.
This means that, yes, a woman struggling with a less-than-stellar opinion of her vagina will often find that the self-consciousness and discomfort permeate the rest of her life.
It’s enough to make even the most confident woman want to crawl in a hole and weep. Surgery is expensive, and there are some things you just can’t put a safety pin on. So what does a woman have to do? Well, I’ll tell you the secret, and it’s probably already in your pantry.
Vinegar Douching For Your Vagina
Though it’s one of the less well-known home remedies, women have been using vinegar to tighten vaginas for some time now. And it works. Even if the results may not come as quickly or dramatically as if you subjected yourself to a series of painful, risky surgeries (I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have a knife anywhere near these delicate loins!), the fact is that it doesn’t always work. But sometimes it works well enough that women who love their friends deeply and altruistically often overcome their embarrassment to recommend it to them.
Although this solution has worked for some women, we do not recommend it as there are no real scientific claims that it does indeed work in tightening the vagina. Also, there is also no point in wasting vinegar in your baths as well as smelling like a fish afterward. It’s just a hassle to do this when there are more viable options available, and ones that work in getting a more firm area down there.
What else can we say about this remedy? I guess it’s just one of those old myths that were passed along from generation to generation and just never died down.
How to Prepare a Natural Douche at Home
- Mix one part marinade with about two parts water.
- Fill a squeeze bottle or douche pouch with the solution and prepare for the douching process by getting into the bathtub or shower.
- Simply rinse your vaginal cavity by carefully inserting the tip of the squeeze bottle or douche pouch into the vulva and squeeze in order to release the solution and continues rinsing the cavity until you have finished off the fluid.
- You can bathe immediately after wards or simply rinse the outside area of the vagina with soap mild soap and warm water.
- Clean the bottle and store it for future use until you achieve the vaginal tightness you desire.
Vinegar Bath
Women have been using vinegar traditionally as an effective way of tightening the vulva for years. They add vinegar to bath water and simply soak in it for up to 30 minutes. Therefore, you can simply take a bath in the diluted solution as you usually do. Bill the bathtub with warm water and pour two cups of vinegar into the hot water and enjoy your 10-20 minute sitz bath.
This is one of the more intriguing ideas that we have come across, it has started long before, and it has gained some popularity over the years of women passing the word that vinegar can help women get a younger, and tighter vagina in the process. There is no scientific proof of this, and we would suggest that you do not get the whole idea, as there are much safer ways to tighten your vagina without soaking yourself in vinegar for half an hour a day. That is just disastrous.
We do suggest women use natural tightening creams and gels like V-Tight as it works naturally to shrink your vaginal canals without having any side-effects. It’s one of the most popular products for women today, and there is just no stopping it. More and more women are using the product every day.Made with only natural ingredients, you can be confident that no adverse effects can ever take place when using the product.
Tightening The Vulva Is Not An Easy Task
So how does it work? Unlike a lot of other natural remedies, it’s pretty simple. With this one simple treatment, you won’t need to scour the internet for many exercises, funky-smelling chemicals or herbs no one knows how to pronounce.
Here’s how to use vinegar to tighten vaginas
First, find your vinegar and bottled or distilled water. If you already use apple cider vinegar for other skincare purposes, that will work fine! Simply mix one part vinegar to two parts water (you may want to warm the water ahead of time for comfort purposes– just make sure you don’t heat it too much, or else you’ll wind up scalding your weak, vulnerable lady bits) and use it like you would use any other douche rinse.
You don’t need to drown yourself in it, but make sure you have enough of the concoction for a good, thorough wash every time you do this. Repeat this process with some regularity, be consistent, and let the solution do its work. You should only have to use this wash once every day or two. Any more frequently than that, and you run the risk of upsetting the healthy bacteria that live inside your vagina.
And there you have it! Used regularly, a vinegar astringent will help cleanse and tighten your vagina. Be patient, be consistent, and watch the magic happen… maybe. We do not guarantee results from using vinegar because there are no real evidence of it ever working. Although, many old-timers have sworn by the effectiveness of using vinegar as douches for the vagina, I would take that information with a grain of salt because of the scientific facts that would love to disagree with that information.
Should I Do it Then?
In our opinion, NO! But if you can take the smell of vinegar on your body and let it sit on you for a while then you are very welcome to try. Although the results can vary, and there are no guarantees to it ever working. The choice is yours if you want to take the smelly route.
What we would suggest is that you work on your body through exercises, a good diet and products like V-Tight Gel that work and are safe for you to use on a daily basis. With these, your results are pretty much set in stone, and you will be able to see permanent results in as little as a couple of weeks.
No scientific proof can say that drinking and bathing in vinegar can shrink up your vaginal walls nor has there been any substantial evidence of such. It is popular merely because of the lack of knowledge about the female body which isn’t the case anymore. The more we learn about a woman’s body, the more efficient methods we will be able to come up with when it comes to tightening the vulva through all-natural methods that are safe for you to use.
We have more information on how to be able to keep your vagina tighter on our website. Happy learning!