Cancer Fighting Foods & Drinks for You

October 31, 2015
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Here are dozens of foods that have each shown to be beneficial in the fight against cancer, and preventing it from happening in the first place. An anti-cancer diet is an important strategy you can use to reduce your risk of cancer.


This super spice even gets props from the American Cancer Society for its antioxidant value. They do state that it’s too early to tell if research being conducted on it proves that these antioxidants provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

But time and time again it seems that age’s old wisdom gets proven right, and this is a spice that has been used for hundreds of years for its healing benefits. With all that we know about antioxidants and the way they help prevent and also assist in eradicating cancer, it’s easy enough to start using it now.


Carrots got the label of being good for the eyes, but recent research suggests that they are also helpful in the fight against cancer. The findings show that at least in mice increased carrot intake was responsible for slowing down the growth of prostate cancer.

This is an amazing finding, and there’s no reason not to start eating more carrots, since they already provide other well-established health benefits. It could be just a matter of time before it’s confirmed that they help with an assortment of different cancers.


Raspberries and berries in general, are loaded with antioxidants, and have been shown again and again to help reduce the amount of free radical damage done to the body. This helps to provide anti-inflammatory support which in turn helps to prevent cancer, and helps the body heal itself, stay youthful, and have more energy.

All the more reason to start eating more raspberries. They make a great addition to a smoothie, and you can drink one to your health by adding other smoothie-friendly foods from this list.


The Vitamin C that we all know oranges contain is a powerful antioxidant, and can be a powerful tool in your arsenal when fighting cancer. Plus they taste really good! A great start to your day could be one or two oranges.

Eat them separately and away from any other foods so that your body can assimilate them fully and draw out all of their antioxidant power. Avoid drinking oranges in the form of juice, since many of the commercially available juices are heavily processed and made from low quality oranges.


The benefits of beetroot keep getting bigger, and this is one food that has been overlooked by many for too long. It can help to slow down the growth of active tumors, and you don’t have to prepare it and eat it in root form if you don’t want to, a glass of beetroot juice will provide the same benefits.

In addition to its cancer fighting properties it’s also been shown to help lower blood pressure and can help power you through your day. Not a bad list of traits for a simple root.


You’ll never look at this simple root the same way again once you hear how it’s able to help you on your quest to stay battle back cancer. It actually gets cancer cells to kill themselves. Pretty powerful? It also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s working to help with cancer in two distinct ways.

Scientists are even hopeful that it can help with some of the harder-to fight cancers as well. The other great feature is that it can add some delicious flavor to a meal, so it’s not very hard to start getting more of it.


Get plenty more benefit by making sure you cooks your tomatoes. This helps to release more of the lycopene, the phytochemical that is thought to provide the cancer fighting benefits. The science has backed tomatoes for years now, and it turns out that what was commonly understood is actually true and verified.

These provide a powerful antioxidant, and it seems that prostate cancer may be the type that is most likely to be avoided or aided by increasing your tomato intake. Hear that guys? Eat more cooked tomatoes!

Pomegranate Juice

You may have jumped on board the pomegranate juice craze that peaked a few years ago, or perhaps you’ve never tried it. No matter your history, it’s something that you can up your intake of if you want to reduce the likelihood that you’ll get cancer.

Those with breast cancer in their family history should really take note, since it’s been shown to have a direct effect on those percentages. But it also shows signs of working on all types of cancer cells, slowing their growth and helping to stop the rapid spread that claims so many lives.

Green Tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants, more so than other teas because it doesn't undergo as much processing, leaving all of these important cancer fighting minerals intact. It’s worth the time and effort to incorporate this into your diet because it doesn't just help prevent certain cancers from forming, it can help battle them back if you’ve already got them.

The good news is that it’s not just one or two studies that have confirmed this, and it has also withstood the test of time and been verified on repeated tests. It’s a bonafide ally against cancer and also provides plenty of additional benefits.


Garlic is something that you’ll want to get more of, no doubt about it. The list of cancers that it can help out with is long, and only seems to be growing. Garlic has certain antibacterial properties, and the theory is that it can help the body ward off cancer in a number of ways, including killing the cancer cells outright.

It may also help to repair the damage done to the DNA, and help to stop cancer cells from multiplying and spreading. These are several reasons why you have to embrace this stinking rose and add it to more of your dishes.


Certain fruits and vegetables and other plant foods get plenty of recognition for being good sources of antioxidants, but beans often are unfairly left out of the picture. Some beans, particularly pinto and red kidney beans, are outstanding sources of antioxidants and should be included in your anti-cancer diet. Beans also contain fiber, and eating a high-fiber diet may also help reduce your risk of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

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