Amazing Homemade Remedies to Treat Pimples

November 02, 2015
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Slice a potato and keep a slice over the pimple. Leave it for five to ten minutes. It reduces the redness and swelling formed by the pimple.


Try applying oatmeal on the pimple area to get soothing and effective results. Cook the oat meal and keep it on the pimple area, after the oatmeal comes to room temperature. Lay down and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse off with water and pat. This remedy will take away the redness and inflammation that come to you because of pimple.


Honey is an ideal choice to pick up when you got a pimple on your face. The antimicrobial property of honey works great for acne prone skin. Dab a little amount of honey over the pimple head and band it with the help of a band-aid and then sleep. In the next morning you mostly find your pimple dropped. Wash your face and then moisturize it.


Take a table spoon of vinegar and boil it. Keep this solution for two times a day. If your skin is sensitive, then don’t apply it directly where as add few drops of water.


Squeeze a lemon in a bowl and with the help of q-tip apply a little amount of lemon juice over the pimple. Leave it for the whole night. Rinse off in the next day morning. It is a good treatment for the people who are not having the sensitive skin.

Tea tree oil

Applying tea tree oil directly onto your pimples can be very effective to cure them because of the strong antibacterial property of this essential oil. However, make it a point to mix tea tree oil with few drops of carrier oil before you apply it on your face.

Ice cubes

Take an ice cube from fridge and apply over the affected area. It shrinks your pimple and reduces the pimple associated redness and inflammation. By which it is small in size and less noticeable.


Take a very small amount of your daily tooth paste and keep it in the pimple area before going to knock the bed. When you wake up the size of the pimple will be reduced and appears small.

Turmeric paste

Turmeric is well known for its anti-bacterial property. It also has healing and anti-inflammatory features. So, if you have got a pimple; make a paste of raw turmeric by grinding it and apply the turmeric paste directly onto the pimple and leave on. Turmeric will kill the bacteria and reduce the infection and the pimple will be cured shortly.


The internal and external usage of garlic helps to get away from pimples and its affects. Take two or three garlic cloves and make them paste. Apply it on the pimple area. Do the same for several times a day to minimize it. But this remedy turns you smelly. So, choose whether you should make use it or not. By swallowing three cloves per day for a whole month will give you amazing benefits. The garlic with its properties purifies the blood and helps to keep away the pimple.

Baking soda

Many depend on baking soda to cure pimples quickly. Make a thick paste of baking soda by mixing it with few drops of water and apply this paste directly onto the pimple. Leave it for 2 minutes and then wash off with plenty of water without rubbing the skin.

Sandalwood paste

Sandalwood is a magical potion for skin. It has extreme skin soothing and natural antibacterial properties. Make a runny paste of sandalwood with rosewater and apply this paste onto the pimples and leave on. The sandalwood will be removed automatically as it will get dry. This treatment can cure pimple within 1 night.


Tomatoes have also been found to work pretty effectively to reduce pimples. Tomatoes have a number of vitamins and anti-oxidants along with lycopene. Grind some tomato and apply the pulp onto the acne. Let it set for at least 30 minutes or more and then wash off with water.

Cinnamon and Honey

Take a cinnamon strand and grind it. Add a few drops of honey to this cinnamon powder to make a paste. Apply this paste on your pimples and live on. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Nutmeg and milk

Take a nutmeg and grind it to make powder. Now mix few drops of boiled milk in the mixture and apply it onto the pimples. Let it set for 1 hour and then wash off with water. This pack can be very effective to treat pimples.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants and tannin which can be effective to reduce the pimple and the inflammation. Make a strong tea from green tea leaves and let it cool. You can also freeze it and wash your face with the cold concoction as many times as possible to reduce pimples quickly.

Ginger juice

Ginger juice can be effective to cure any kind of infection. Make some fresh ginger juice by grinding it. Just dab this juice onto the pimples with your finger and live on. There will be a mild tingling sensation on the skin and the pimple will be cured within 1 day. However, if the tingling sensation is extreme or the skin of the area turns red, discontinue use.

Orange peel

Mix the orange peel powder with sufficient amount of water and dab over the affected area. Leave it to dry and then rinse off. Prepare the orange peel powder by grinding the orange peels that are dried under sun.


Clove is another natural anti-bacterial agent. Paste some cloves with a pinch of water and apply this paste onto the pimples. Live on with it till it goes off on its own after getting dry. This treatment can cure pimple in 1-2 days.

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