How to get rid of Varicose Veins by using Garlic Oil

November 07, 2015
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Varicose veins are unsightly, swollen and twisted veins that can be seen just underneath the surface of the skin. They commonly appear in the legs and can cause pain, swelling, blood clots, skin sores, and ulcers. While arteries transmit blood from the heart to the rest of the body, the veins return the blood from the rest of the body to the heart.

Varicose veins are quite common in people who struggle with excess pounds or work in a standing position. Obesity, processed food, insufficient physical activity, nutrient deficiency and spending long hours sitting or standing cause this unsightly condition.

All you need is some garlic as it is the best remedy for such conditions. Garlic degrades protein content and carries it equally, meaning it boosts the protein supply to lower limbs.

Garlic oil


5 garlic cloves
3 oranges
2 tbsp olive oil


Put sliced garlic cloves in a jar. Add in two tablespoons of olive oil and juice of three oranges. Put the lid on. Let the mixture rest for 12 hours. Shake it before every use.
For optimal results apply the oil in the evening. Gently massage affected areas. After you have done this, wrap your legs with a plastic wrap and a warm cloth. Repeat the treatment every evening.

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