This Recipe will Grow Hair Faster.Try This at least two months

November 15, 2015
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Hair is part of the personality of a person. If you are worried about your excessive hair loss, you can try the remedy. Your hair will first achieve a good sheen and slowly you will see your hair becoming stronger and thicker.

Many women have experienced the exceptional benefits of red onion when used in treatment of thinning hair. Even dermatologists confirm that this treatment gives no side effects on the scalp or hair. The high content of sulfur in onions makes them extremely efficient in promoting hair growth, because this element stimulates the production of collagen, which in turn stimulates hair growth.Women who have tried this treatment say that results are seen in less than a month.


Grate 2-4 onions and squeeze their juice.
Apply the onion juice on your scalp massaging gently.
Leave it to act for about 15 minutes. In case you have the time, you can even leave it longer.
Wash your hair as usual. You can also use a conditioner.
Do the treatment twice a month.
Note: Don’t worry about the smell as it soon wears off.

Simple Methods of Using Onion for Hair Growth

Onion Juice-Honey Mixture

You can use this remedy in two different ways. You can mix ¼ cup of onion juice with one honey tablespoon of honey and you can consume it orally every day or you can apply the mix on the scalp and massage it for 15 minutes daily to see the difference.

Add Onion in Your Recipes

You can include onions in regular recipes and in salads to get the benefits of using onion. This will not act as fast as applying the juice to the hair.

Concoction of Onion Juice and Rum

If you find the smell of onions unbearable you can use this method to prevent the loss of hair and to improve the growth of hair. Finely chop one medium sized onion and soak this in a glass of rum overnight. Next day, strain the mixture to remove the onion pieces. Use the concoction to massage the scalp or use it as a hair rinse after washing the hair.

Onion Juice Hair Rinse

This is another method of using onions for hair growth without getting tears and irritation to eyes. Add 4-5 chopped onion to one liter of water and boil it for about 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool and strain the mixture. Use the onion boiled water to rinse your hair after shampooing. If you are not bothered with the smell you need not wash the hair with water that day. You can clean your hair using water and mild shampoo next day.

To boost your hair growth, you can also massage your hair and scalp with a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil once in a week. You can achieve better results, if you leave the oil overnight on your hair. Always eat a healthy diet to prevent hair loss and to promote the re-growth of the hair.

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