Let Your Wrinkles Disappear with This Amazing Face Toner

November 15, 2015
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Skin aging is something which we can’t avoid. But definitely we can treat the issue and get rid of fine lines as well as wrinkles on the skin. There are many cosmetic creams available in the market which promises the youthful skin. However not many get the desired result even after regular application.


1 lemon
1/2 glass beer
1/2 glass rose water


Take off juice from 1 lemon and add ½ glasses each of beer and rose water to it.
Mix it well and apply it on your face using a cotton ball.
Let the mixture be on your face for 2-3 hours or you can apply it overnight for better results.
Later wash your face with warm water.
With the regular use of this skin toner you will get more elastic, softer and smoother skin.
Wrinkles are the first sign of aging and they sure affect our self-esteem. Remember, it is really hard to treat deep wrinkles, as it takes more time and patience.
You could use different face creams that are supposed to keep your skin young and safe from harsh weather. However, you would all agree that nature always has the best solution for you and your skin complexion.

Benefits of Lemons

Healing Acne

Lemon is super-rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties, which play a major role in eliminating bacteria on the skin, and healing acne and pimples.

Lightening Blemishes and Dark Spots

Blemishes and dark spots can mar one’s beauty in unimaginable ways. They can turn out to be very embarrassing, and are mostly hard to get rid of. But that wouldn't be the case with the healing properties of lemons. The citric acid in lemon juice plays a crucial role in fading the blemishes and spots. It also helps to even the skin tone.

Benefits of beer

Hydrates Skin

Dehydrated (or dry) skin can be a menace. So keep the dryness away with beer. You can simply use a cotton pad to apply a little amount of beer on your face. It is said that ancient Egyptians used to take beer baths to hydrate their skin in the sweltering heat of the desert.

Keeps Your Skin Glowing and Soft

As already discussed, beer plays an important role in flushing out toxins from the skin. This restores the skin’s lost glow. Also, beer is a rich source of B vitamins that make your skin soft and supple.

Protects Your Skin from the Sun

We all know how important it is to protect our skin from the harmful radiation of the sun. This is where beer does a good job ,t is rich in ferulic acid, an antioxidant that can protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

Benefits of Rose Water

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

If you have irritated skin, rose water is what you should be using. It’s amazing anti-inflammatory properties help soothe inflammation, and keep your skin smooth and healthy.

A Great Cleanser

Rose water has amazing toning properties that can help unclog blocked pores. This ultimately aids in keeping the skin fresh and acne-free.

Astringent Properties

The astringent properties of rose water help close open pores. Applying rose water after steaming can tighten the capillaries and reduce redness.

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