This Magical Remedy Removes Your White Hair, Grow Hair and Prevent Hair Fall

November 12, 2015
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This powerful mixture successfully eliminates white hair. In addition, it is a potent remedy that also improves skin health and vision.

In order to prepare it and feel its benefits, you will need

1 large onion
5 shallots
10 stems of curry leaves
300-400 ml coconut oil

How to prepare it

Put the curry leaves, onion, garlic and shallots in a mixer. Instead you can crush or chop the ingredients. Then add the coconut oil. Boil the oil for a few minutes till the used ingredients are crispy and black. Stir occasionally. After the mixture cools off, strain it, put it in a bottle and use it regularly. Apply it on the hair 20-30 minutes before washing it.
This oil will stimulate hair growth and make hair black again. If you don’t have problems with hair loss, but you only want to prevent gray/white hair, then use this recipe only with curry leaves and coconut oil, without onion, garlic and shallots.

One tablespoon of the miraculous remedy should be consumed 30 minutes before each meal, three times a day. It is advisable to use wooden spoons instead of metal ones.

Why coconut oil is good for hair?

Coconut oil is more and more popular and preferred as hair oil everywhere in the world. Maybe you would like to know why millions of people choose to use it for their hair. We will name just a few.
Coconut oil goes through hair more deeply and faster than many other natural oils, so it can make your color more vibrant and prevent it from fading too quickly.
Coconut oil can be hair beneficial in another way too. It works as a natural way to help your hair grow longer, thicker, and faster. The vitamins and essential fatty acids in coconut oil feed the scalp and help removing sebum build-up from hair follicles.

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