Amazing Benefits of Red Banana

November 18, 2015
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If you already enjoy the taste of the yellow banana, and looking for other kinds of bananas, you could try the red one. The most popular variety of bananas around the world is the Cavendish banana (the full-yellow large ones) but the red bananas are not far behind and are very popular in North American countries as well as in Asian countries. These bananas have fruit similar to the classic banana, but with an even richer taste reminiscent of a mixture of banana and raspberry.
Red bananas are very good for you, and in this article we will tell you why.

Prevent Kidney Stones

Red bananas are rich in potassium, which is essential for regular working of the body. Potassium prevents the formation of kidney stones, heart disease and cancer. It also helps in calcium retention that improves bone health. Children and elderly people should regularly eat red bananas. This is because children need more calcium than in adults for proper development of the bones and growth. On the other hand, aged people tend to lose calcium, as they grow older. Hence, people above the fifties should eat red bananas daily.

Good source of dietary fiber

A red banana can provide close to 5% of your daily requirement of dietary fiber. In countries like India, it’s quite common to eat bananas after a lunch or dinner, to help aid with the proper excretion of the food. Bananas are recommended for people who have issues with their bowel movement or constipation.

Skin Benefits of Red Banana

Red banana has nutrients like vitamin C and B-6 that are essential for skin. These nutrients help in keeping the skin tight and elastic. The high content of antioxidants present in red banana prevents aging of the skin. These antioxidants protect the skin from oxygen free radicals that cause wrinkles. Banana has about 75 per cent water by weight. Thus, banana helps skin and prevents it from drying and peeling off. So, if you want to look younger with a glowing skin, you must include red banana in your daily meal plan. Use it in a face pack to get better results:
Mash one red banana.

Add one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon lemon juice.
Mix well and apply on face and neck.
Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
Wash with lukewarm water.

Good source of dietary fiber

A red banana can provide close to 5% of your daily requirement of dietary fiber. In countries like India, it’s quite common to eat bananas after a lunch or dinner, to help aid with the proper excretion of the food. Bananas are recommended for people who have issues with their bowel movement or constipation.

Cures Ulcers

This is actually the only raw fruit that may be consumed without having stress in over-chronic circumstances. It may also help decrease the level of acidity, and decreases irritation as well. Bananas promote the cell growth within the inner stomach lining to generate a heavier mucous (that safeguards against acid). Furthermore, bananas consist of protease inhibitors, which help remove bacteria within the stomach that are considered the main cause of ulcers.

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