Why you should drink Almond Milk with Honey every day?

November 15, 2015
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There is nothing wrong with drinking a cup of almond milk before bedtime, but for maximum effect stir a teaspoon of honey into it. Here are some of the benefits provided by regular consumption of almond milk and honey.

Now do you want to maximize the benefits of almond milk? We would say, you must stir of teaspoon of honey the next time you are having it. Want to know why? We will give you six solid reasons why you should do that!

Better sleep

Large amounts of sugar may keep you awake and upset, but a tiny amount of glucose will sure help your brain to shut down orexin, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for keeping your body awake.

Good for Weight Loss

It is great for those looking at a diet directed towards weight loss or weight management. It is rich in fibre which is extremely important for a healthy digestion. Some of the diet friendly benefits are,

It has as low as 60 calories in 8 oz. of almond milk (with no added sugar)
Much lower impact that skim milk on your daily calorie intake
Low in proteins (only 1 to 2 g per cup)
Has no unsaturated fat
Comprises only 8 g carbohydrates
Comes with a heavy dose of bone-building calcium

Energy and concentration

Drink a glass of almond milk and 2 tablespoons of honey in the morning to maintain your energy at a high level throughout the day.
Dairy milk is known for its high content of various vitamins and minerals but almonds have been proven to contain extra nutrients, and honey is loaded with carbs.

Slow down aging

When it comes to aging, researchers reveal that honey and almond milk have positive effect on overall health, not on the skin only. In ancient times people believed that the combination of almond milk and honey is the elixir of youth, and used it to nourish their body.

Antibacterial protection

When combined together, honey and almond milk fight Staphylococcus, which is why they are believed to have strong antibacterial properties.


Drinking a cup of almond milk and honey can relieve constipation, bloating and problems with intestines.

Respiratory diseases

Almond milk and honey aid in the treatment of cold and cough. By combining them both you get a powerful remedy that is far better than any other pharmaceutical option.

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